2025 : 2 : 5
Amin Mohebkhah

Amin Mohebkhah

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Civil Engineering and Architecture


Three dimensional modelling of ancient colonnade structural systems subjected to harmonic and seismic loading
Stone; masonry; DEM; ancient colonnade; Pompeii; 3-Dimensional; seismic behavior
Journal Structural Engineering and Mechanics
Researchers Amin Mohebkhah


One of the major threats to the stability of classical columns and colonnades are earthquakes. The behavior of columns under high seismic excitation loads is non-linear and complex since rocking, wobbling and sliding failure modes can occur. Therefore, three dimensional simulation approaches are essential to investigate the in-plane and out-of-plane response of such structures during harmonic and seismic loading excitations. Using a software based on the Distinct Element Method (DEM) of analysis, a three dimensional numerical study has been performed to investigate the parameters affecting the seismic behaviour of colonnades’ structural systems. A typical section of the two- storey colonnade of the Forum in Pompeii has been modelled and studied parametrically, in order to identify the main factors affecting the stability and to improve our understanding of the earthquake behaviour of such structures. The model is then used to compare the results between 2D and 3D simulations emphasizing the different response for the selected earthquake records. From the results analysis, it was found that the high-frequency motion requires large base acceleration amplitude to lead to the collapse of the colonnade in a shear-slip mode between the drums. However, low-frequency harmonic excitations are more prominent to cause structural collapse of the two- storey colonnade than the high-frequency ones with predominant rocking failure mode. Finally, the 2D analysis found to be unconservative since underestimates the displacement demands of the colonnade system when compared with the 3D analysis.