2025 : 3 : 13
Arash Babaei

Arash Babaei

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: science
Address: Head of International Relations Bureau and Foreign students’ affairs of Malayer University international@malayeru.ac.ir Tel & FAX for secretary: +98(81) 32355416 PhD in Microbiology & Biotechnology Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran Postcode: 65719-95863 IRAN Mobil Number.: +98(918) 8512622 a.babaei@malayeru.ac.ir
Phone: 00989188512622


Effect of Aloe vera Extracts on Production of Aflatoxin B1 and Extracellular Proteins by Aspergillus flavus
Aloe vera; Aspergillus flavus; Aflatoxin B1; HPLC and SDS-PAGE.
Journal Annual Research & Review in Biology-03
Researchers Arash Babaei


Aims: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the production of aflatoxin B1 and extracellular protein patterns produced by A .flavus. Study Design: Aspergillus flavus is among of fungi that wide dispersal and its massive contamination on feed thus, inevitable to inhibit the growth of this fungus and subsequently production of aflatoxin. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural Science, Malayer University, between August 2012 and March 2013. Methodology: The using by acetonic, ethanolic, water, methanolic, chloroform and ethyl ether extracts of Aloe Vera fresh leaves, Antitoxin activity of the extracts was evaluated by HPLC. Also, effect of extract on extracellular proteins of Aspergillus flavus, analysed by SDS-PAGE technique has been investigated. Results: The acetone extract of Aloe Vera were used to evaluate and study on results obtained from HPLC analysis revealed the inhibition of aflatoxin production in 2000μL in 50mL group for 40.94% and in 2μL in 50mL group for 18.14%. The SDS-PAGE results showed that with decrease in fungal mycelium growth, the proteins production rate was also decreased. Conclusion: From this study it can be concluded that acetone extracts of Aloe Vera can be effective in reducing aflatoxin B1 and extracellular protein production rates by the fungus A. flavus.