2025 : 2 : 13
Majid Dekamin

Majid Dekamin

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: agriculture
Address: Plant Production and Genetic Engineering, University of Malayer, Malayer, Hamedan.


Energy, economic, and environmental assessment of coriander seed production using material fow cost accounting and life cycle assessment
Economic productivity · Energy efciency · Environmental impacts · Greenhouse gases
Journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Researchers Majid Dekamin


The agricultural sector in the world is facing social expectations to improve energy efciency and reduce environmental impacts, and at the same producing enough food and fber for the growing world population. The purpose of the present research is to determine the economic, energy consumption, and environmental impacts in coriander seed production using material fow cost accounting approach along with life cycle assessment. The positive output and negative energy were 25,485 and 6742 MJ ha−1, respectively. Energy efciency, net energy gain, specifc energy, and energy productivity indicators were calculated as 0.6, − 11,944 MJ ha−1, 17.4 MJ kg−1, and 0.06 kg MJ−1, respectively. The average production cost was calculated as 588 $ ha−1 whereas gross income was 1267 $ ha−1. The value of negative products in coriander production was estimated as 239 $ ha−1. Seed shedding at harvest and water loss due to inefcient irrigation system were found to be the major negative products (economic and energy) in the system that can enhance the system productivity upon improvement. The values of beneft costs ratio and economic productivity were 1.74 and 3 kg $−1, respectively. The acidifcation potential (102.5 kg SO2 eq ha−1), global warming potential (897.3 kg CO2 eq ha−1), photochemical oxidation potential (0.13 kg C2H4 eq ha−1), and eutrophication potential (40.3 kg PO4−3 eq ha−1) indicators were evaluated. The hotspots in point of economic (labor and seed shedding), energy use (nitrogen fertilizer and machinery) and energy loss (seed shedding), and environment (diesel fuel consumption) were determined which can be used to optimize coriander production through decreasing the material and energy consumption in the feld. The results showed that MFCA combined with LCA is a powerful tool in identifying hotspots in crop production systems and can be used in developing more sustainable systems as well as in developing sustainability models.