2025 : 3 : 14
Iman Pazhouhan

Iman Pazhouhan

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Natural Resources and Enviroments
Address: Malayer University, Malayer, Iran | Postal Code: 65719-95863
Phone: 08132355330


Drought and Pathogen Effects on Survival, Leaf Physiology, Oxidative Damage, and Defense in Two Middle Eastern Oak Species
canker; ascomycete; pathosystem; antioxidant defense; drought resilience; pathogen resilience
Journal Forests
Researchers Iman Pazhouhan


The charcoal disease agents, Biscogniauxia mediterranea and Obolarina persica are two latent, ascomycetous oak pathogens in the Middle Eastern Zagros forests, where they have devastating effects, particularly during drought. Under greenhouse conditions, we investigated the effects of the two charcoal disease agents individually and in combination with drought on survival, growth, foliar gas-exchange, pigment content, oxidative stress and the antioxidant response of Quercus infectoria and Q. libani, two of the dominant tree species in this region. Commonly, the strongest negative effects emerged in the drought–pathogen interaction treatments. Q. infectoria showed less severe lesions, higher survival, more growth, and less leaf loss than Q. libani under combined biotic and abiotic stress. In both oak species, the combination of pathogen infection and drought resulted in more than 50% reduction in foliar gas-exchange parameters with partial recovery over time in Q. infectoria suggesting a superior defense system. Indeed, enhanced foliar anthocyanin, total soluble protein and glutathione concentrations imply an upregulation of the antioxidant defense system in Q. infectoria under stress while none of these parameters showed a significant treatment response in Q. libani. Consequently, Q. infectoria foliage showed no significant increase in superoxide, lower lipoxygenase activity, and less electrolyte leakage compared to the highly elevated levels seen in Q. libani indicating oxidative damage. Our findings indicate greater drought tolerance and pathogen resilience in Q. infectoria compared to Q. libani. Under future climate scenarios, we therefore expect changes in forest community structure driven by a decline in Q. libani and closely associated organisms.