2025 : 3 : 14
Iman Pazhouhan

Iman Pazhouhan

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Natural Resources and Enviroments
Address: Malayer University, Malayer, Iran | Postal Code: 65719-95863
Phone: 08132355330


مقایسه جاده های جنگلی بر اساس توان اکولوژیک جنگل با استفاده از روش AHP و GIS
Ecological potential, Forest roads, Landform, Analytical Hierarchy Process
Researchers Farhad Ghasemi Aghbash ، Iman Pazhouhan


This study was performed by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and geographic information system (GIS) to the comparison of forest roads according to ecological capability. After multiple studies and according to available information, four criteria and 11 sub-criteria were determined in the form of questionnaires and then were distributed among the experts to prioritize between different criteria. Finally, the degree of importance of each criteria to be determined. Weighting was performed by using paired comparison. In this study expert choice and Arc GIS software were used. The results showed that the criteria in terms of importance are: physiographic (0/409), vegetation (0/210), soil (0/195), and geology (0/187). By combining these factors potential map was prepared and it was found that 16/6% of this district has good ecological potential, 45/2% has a moderate and 38/2% has no ecological potential. In Gorazbon district, a large part of R1 road passes from areas without potential. Whiles R2 road corresponds to ecological potential. The designed road (R3) despite of more compliance with ecological potential but in the end of his path passes from the area with no potential and is necessary for this path changes are ade by designing skid trails.