2025 : 3 : 12
Jamal Soroush

Jamal Soroush

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Literature and Human Sciences
Phone: 08133339880-4


  • PhD. in Philosophy , The Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute , Iran (2007 - 2012)
    Thesis title: Practical reason and its function in practical wisdom from the perspective of Sadr al-Mutallin
  • MSc. in Philosophy , The Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute , Iran (2003 - 2007)
    Thesis title: Investigating the Value and Place of Reason in School of segregation & transcendent wisdom
  • BSc. in Islamic education and Philosophy , The Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute , Iran (1997 - 2002)
    Thesis title:


Research activities

Research interests

  • Mysticism
  • Philosophy of Ethics
  • Jurisprudence and Principles.


  • اكبر شهبازي
    Name: Shahbazi Akbar
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • سعيد شفيق
    Name: Shafiq Saeed
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • مهري گل بالاوندي
    Name: Balavandi Mehri Ghol
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • آزيتا خواجه كولكي
    Name: Khajekoulaki Azita
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • سعيده اسكندري
    Name: Eskandari Saeideh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • منصوره اسكيني
    Name: Eskini Mansoureh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • علي ايزدي
    Name: Izadi Ali
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • شيدا نادري
    Name: Naderi Sheida
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • علي اصغر زارعي
    Name: Zarei Ali Asghar
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • افسانه رسولي
    Name: Rasuli Afsaneh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • سيد علي موسوي
    Name: Mousavi Ali
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • علي پور عابدي
    Name: Purabedi Ali
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • خاطره ضهرابي
    Name: zohrabi Khatereh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • صديقه شهدادي
    Name: Shahdadi Sedigheh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • مريم محمديان
    Name: Mohammedans Maryam
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • گلناز احمدزاده
    Name: Ahmad Zadeh Golnaz
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • فيروزه تركاشوند
    Name: Torkashvand Firozeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
  • اشرف نظري
    Name: Nazari Ashraf
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
    Thesis: Studying the issue of alienation from the perspective of the Qur'an and Nahjul Balagha
  • مريم رهبري
    Name: rahbari maryam
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
    Thesis: The Study of the Causes of Believers and Disbelievers from the Qur'anic Perspective Based on the Interpretation of Al-Mizan and the Works of Shahid Motahhari
  • خديجه سپهوند
    Name: Sepahvand Khadija
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
    Thesis: The Study of Satan's Influence on Man and the Ways to Deal With It in the Essays and Tradition With the focus of Almizans
  • زهرا ياوري
    Name: yavari zahra
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
    Thesis: Investigating the Characteristics and Effects of Virtue in Life from the Perspective of Nahj al-Balagheh and Mathnawi Jalaluddin Rumi
  • حسنعلي قهرماني ثاني
    Name: ghahramani Hassan Ali
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
    Thesis: A Comparative Study of Imamate and Caliphate from the Shiite and Sunni Perspective
  • حسين رسولي
    Name: Rasouli Hossein
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
    Thesis: Strategies for guiding and controlling pleasure in the Qur'an by relying on al-Mizan
  • حسين زهدي صحت
    Name: Zahedi Health Hossein
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Islamic Philosophy and Theology
    Thesis: Love (its types, hierarchies and requirements) from the perspective of Jalaluddin Molana and Mulla Sadra

Executive activities

  • Member of the Committee of Islamic Philosophy, Vice Chancellor for Research, Qom Seminary (1400 - present)
  • Director of the Department of Philosophy, Malayer University (1399 - present)
  • Secretary of the Department of Islamic Philosophy of the Imam Khomeini Institute (1386 - 1388)
  • Member and Chairman of the Board of Qom Seminary of Epistemology (1394 - 1398)
  • Research Assistant, Department of Philosophy of Ethics, Supreme Assembly of Islamic Wisdom (1392 - present)
  • Head of Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Malayer (1392 - 1396)