2025 : 3 : 10
Mohammad Almasi
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Malayer University, Faculty of Science, Department of Applied Chemistry
almasi.mohammad [at] gmail.com
Research activities
Research interests
Executive activities
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I am interested in studying molecular interactions in micro and macro states, thermodynamic study of mixtures by simulation and computational methods.
PhD. in Physical Chemistry , Bu ALi Sina University , Iran
(2007 - 2010)
Thesis title:
MSc. in Physical Chemistry , Bu ALi Sina University , Iran
(2004 - 2006)
Thesis title:
Bachelor Of Science
General Chemistry 2
Physical Chemistry 2
Physical Chemistry 1
Master Of Science
Mathematics in Physical Chemistry
Surface Chemistry
Statistical Thermodynamics
Research activities
Journal Papers
Investigating the Interactions of Methyl Butanoate with 2‑Alkanols Through Molecular Modeling and Experimental Techniques
Mohammad Almasi, Ariel Hernandez (2025)
Investigation of Nonideal Mixing Behavior in Linalool and 1‑Alkanol Mixtures: Thermodynamics and Viscosity Modeling Approaches
Mohammad Almasi (2025)
Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Study of Ester‑Alcohol Interactions: Methyl Heptanoate and 1‑Alkanols
Mohammad Almasi, Ariel Hernandez (2025)
Study of Density and Viscosity in Nonane and 2‑Alkanol Mixtures:Experimental and PC-SAFT Approach
Mohammad Almasi, Ariel Hernandez (2024)
Experimental Measurements and Modeling of Density and Viscosity for Methyl Caprate + 1-Alkanol at Atmospheric Pressure and Different Temperatures
Mohammad Almasi, Ariel Hernandez (2024)
Investigating Molecular Interactions in O-Toluidine and 1-Alkanol via Density, Viscosity and DFT Analyses
Fatemeh Alboghobeish, Ayeh Rayatzadeh, Mohammad Almasi, Neda Hasanzadeh (2024)
Investigating ethyl octanoate and alcohol molecular interactions through an extended hard sphere framework
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Experimental and Modeling Molecular Interactions Between Ethyl Myristate and 2-Alkanol
Mohammad Almasi, Ariel Hernandez (2024)
Molecular interactions in ethyl caprate and 2-alcohol: Extended hard sphere framework
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Exploring Structure–Property Relationships in Eucalyptol and 1-Alkanol Mixtures: A DFT and Experimental Study
Mohammad Almasi, Raziye Sadat Nyband (2024)
Exploring Density, Viscosity, and Friction Theory in the Interaction of Linalool (3,7‑Dimethylocta‑1,6‑dien‑3‑ol) with 2‑Alkanol
Zeinab Rafiee, Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Ethylcyclohexane + 2‑Alkanol Mixtures: Thermodynamic Properties and Viscosity Modeling Using Friction Theory
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Exploring the thermodynamic properties of 2-Methyl-1-butanol and C7-C10 alcohols through CPA modeling and experimental analysis
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Chemical analysis of hydrogen bonding in 4-methyl-2-pentanol + 1-alkanol binary complexes: Insights from thermodynamics and DFT analysis
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Insights into the Methyl Lactate and C4– C7 Alkanol Interactions from Densities, Viscosities, and CPA Modeling
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Investigating Molecular Interactions in 2‑Ethyl-1-butanol and C3−C6 1‑Alkanols: Thermodynamic and Transport Analysis
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Investigating the Density and Viscosity of 3-Ethyl-3-Pentanol and Short-Chain 1-Alkanol: A Free Volume Theory Approach
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Integrated exploration of intermolecular interactions in 3-methyl-1-butanol and C5-C8 1-alkanol mixtures via density functional theory and experimental approaches
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Density and Viscosity of 4‑Methylphenol and C3−C6 2‑Alkanols: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Modeling and measurement of density and viscosity of ethyl Lactate + 1-alkanol mixtures
Mohammad Almasi, Mohammadreza Mohebifar (2024)
Analyzing Intermolecular Interactions in 2‑Methyl‑1‑pentanol and C4‑C7 1‑Alkanol Mixtures: Thermodynamic and Transport Investigations
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Study of molecular interactions in MCH and 1-alkanol mixtures regarding the Soret effect
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Probing Thermodynamic Behavior and Hydrogen Bonding Strength in Mixtures of Propiophenone and 1-Alkanol: A Comparative Experimental and DFT Study
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Thermodynamic Insights into 3‑Methyl‑2‑Butanol and C3– C6 1‑Alkanol: Experimental Study and CPA Modeling
Mohammad Almasi, Mohammadreza Mohebifar (2024)
Experimental and Theoretical Research on Mixtures of 2‑Methyl‑2‑butanol and 1‑Alkanol (1‑Hexanol to 1‑Nonanol)
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Exploring Thermophysical Properties of Butyl Lactate with Short‑Chain 1‑Alkanol Using Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
Some Experimental and Theoretical Studies on 2‑Isopropoxyethanol and 1‑Alkanols (C6 to C10)
Mohammad Almasi (2024)
New Experimental Data and Modeling for the Densities and Viscosities of the 1,4-Dioxane + 1-Alkanols (C6 to C10) Mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2023)
Some experimental and theoretical studies of diethylene glycol diethyl ether and 2-alkanol mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2023)
Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Density and Viscosity of 1,3-Dioxolane and C6−C10 1‑Alkanols
Mohammad Almasi (2023)
Density and Viscosity Studies of Ethylene Glycol Diethyl Ether and 1-Alkanol Mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2023)
Study of non-ideality behavior in p-methyl acetophenone and 2-alkanol mixtures
Mohammad Almasi, Mozhgan Pirhayati (2023)
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether and 2-Alkanol Mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2023)
Study of Nonideality Behavior of p‑Methylacetophenone and 1‑Alkanol Mixtures from Measurement and Modeling of Density and Viscosity
Mohammad Almasi (2023)
Theoretical and experimental study of triethanolamine and 1-alkanol mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2023)
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Formic Acid and 2‑Alkanol Mixtures: PC-SAFT Model
Mohammad Almasi (2022)
Study of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Formamide and 1‑Alkanol Mixtures at Different Temperatures
Mohammad Almasi (2022)
Study of Density and Viscosity of Formic Acid + 1-Alkanols Mixtures: Application of PC-SAFT Model
Mohammad Almasi (2022)
Study of thermal behavior of alcohol-CCl4 binary mixtures using laser thermal lens spectroscopy
Mohammadreza Mohebifar, Mohammad Almasi (2022)
Measurement of the Density and Viscosity of Diisopropyl Ether and 1‑Alkanol Mixtures at Various Temperatures
Mohammad Almasi, Zeinab Rafiee (2022)
Calculation of Virial Coefficients, Joule–Thomson Inversion Curve and Mutual Diffusion for Binary Mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2022)
Thermodynamic and transport properties of binary mixtures containing N-Ethylethanamine and (C5 − C9) 1-Alkanol: PC-SAFT model
Mohammad Almasi (2022)
Investigation of molecular interactions in binary mixtures using thermophoresis
Mohammad Almasi (2022)
Study of interactions in binary mixtures containing normal alkanols; KB integrals and structure factor
Mohammad Almasi (2021)
Experimental Density and Viscosity of Aniline and 1‑Alkanol Binary Mixture
Mohammad Almasi (2021)
مطالعه ترمودینامیکی
Mohammad Almasi (2021)
Investigation of thermal behavior and the Soret effect in binary fluids by thermal lens technique: Effect of alkyl chain
Mohammadreza Mohebifar, Mohammad Almasi (2021)
Study of molecular interactions in binary mixtures by molecular diffusion, thermal diffusion, Soret effect, and separation ratio
Mohammad Almasi (2021)
Molecular interactions and structural studies of toluene and (C5 − C10) 1-alkanol; mutual diffusion and virial coefficients
Mohammad Almasi (2021)
Some studies on the mutual diffusion, Joule–Thomson inversion curve and virial coefficients of binary mixtures containing diethylamine and (C5 – C9) 1-alkanol
Mohammad Almasi (2021)
پیشنویس پژوهش ثبت شده در 1400/09/10 10:46:55 ق.ظ
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Densities and Viscosities of Binary Mixtures Containing Methyl Isobutyl Ketone and (C6−C10) 1‑Alkanol
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
پیشنویس پژوهش ثبت شده در 1400/09/10 10:39:15 ق.ظ
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Cohesive energy density and internal pressure of benzene and 1-alkanol binary mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Studies on the structure of [Bmim][NO3] and 1-alkanol: Cohesive energy density and internal pressure
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Molecular Interactions in [Hmim][NO3] Ionic Liquid and 2-Alkanol Mixtures: Kirkwood–Buff Integrals and Structure Factor
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Study of Molecular Interactions in Binary Mixtures of Ethylmethylketone and 2-alkanol by Excess Number of i and j Molecules Around a Central Molecule j (Δnij)
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Density and Viscosity for Binary Mixtures of the Ionic Liquid 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate with 2-Propanol, N,N-Dimethylacetamide and N,N-Dimethylformamide at 293.15–323.15 K: Experimental and PC-SAFT Modeling
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Theoretical and experimental study of valeric acid and 1-alkanol: COSMO-RS method and structure factors
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Experimental and modeling study of diisopropyl ether and 2-alkanol; PC-SAFT model and free volume theory
Mohammad Almasi (2020)
Kirkwood-Buff integrals and structure factor for binary mixtures of ionic liquid with 1-alkanol
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Thermophysical properties of 1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate and 2-alkanol; measurement and modeling
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Thermodynamic Properties of 1‑Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium Nitrate and 1‑Alkanols Mixtures: PC-SAFT Model
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Thermodynamic study of interactions between 1-alkanol and butanone
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Theoretical and experimental study of physicochemical behavior of binary mixtures: SAFT and PC-SAFT models
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Thermophysical study of binary mixtures of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate ionic liquid + alcohols at different temperatures
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Experimental and Modeling of Densities and Viscosities of Binary Mixtures Containing MTBE/Alkan-2-ol
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Kirkwood–Buff Integrals, Excess Volume, and Preferential Solvation in Pentanoic Acid/(C5–C10) 1-Alkanol Binary Mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Study of molecular interactions and preferential solvation in binary mixtures of cyclohexane and (C5–C10) 1-alkanol by Kirkwood-Buff integrals
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Calculation of Kirkwood-Buff integrals for binary mixtures of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate ionic liquid and alcohols at 298.15 K
Mohammad Almasi (2018)
Investigation of Molecular Interactions in Binary Mixtures of n‑Butyl Acetate and (C6 − C10) 1‑Alkanol: PC-SAFT Model
Mohammad Almasi (2018)
Measurement and Calculation of Physico-Chemical Properties of Binary Mixtures Containing Xylene and 1- Alkanol
Mohammad Almasi (2018)
Correlations and Predictions of THF + 2-Alkanol Binary Mixtures Behaviour by PC-SAFT Model and Friction Theory
Mohammad Almasi (2018)
Correlation Studies of Cyclohexanone/(C5−C10) Alkan-1-ol Binary Mixtures: PC-SAFT Model and Free Volume Theory
Mohammad Almasi (2018)
Studies on thermodynamic properties of butyl acetate/Alkan-2-ol binary mixtures: Measurements and properties modeling
Mohammad Almasi (2017)
Measurement of Selected Thermophysical and Viscosity of Binary Mixtures of Nitromethane with 2-Propanol, 2-Butanol and 2-Pentanol
Mohammad Almasi (2017)
Modeling of thermophysical behaviour of MCH/Alkan-2-ol binary mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2017)
Studies on physicochemical behavior of binary mixtures containing propanal and Alkan-2-ol
Mohammad Almasi (2017)
Influence of Temperature and Carbon Chain on Thermophysical Properties of Benzaldehyde/Alkan-2-ol Binary Mixtures
Mohammad Almasi (2017)
Thermophysical and transport properties of binary mixtures containing triethylene glycol and alcohols at different temperatures
Mohammad Almasi (2016)
Densities and Viscosities of Binary Mixtures Containing Ethyl Formate and 2‑Alkanols: Friction Theory and Free Volume Theory
Mohammad Almasi (2015)
A comparative study on the removal of phenol from aqueous solutions by electro–Fenton and electro– persulfate processes using iron electrodes
Mohammad Almasi (2015)
Thermodynamic and transport properties of binary mixtures; friction theory coupled with PC-SAFT model
Mohammad Almasi (2015)
Temperature dependence and chain length effect on density and viscosity of binary mixtures of nitrobenzene and 2-alcohols
Mohammad Almasi (2015)
Thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures containing N,N-dimethylformamide + 2-alkanol: Cubic and statistical associating fluid theory-based equation of state analysis
Mohammad Almasi (2014)
Evaluation of thermodynamic properties of fluid mixtures by PC-SAFT model
Mohammad Almasi (2014)
Correlation and prediction of thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures from perturbed chain statistical associating fluid theory
Mohammad Almasi (2014)
Densities and viscosities of the mixtures (formamide + 2-alkanol): Experimental and theoretical approaches
Mohammad Almasi (2014)
Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Mixtures Containing N,N‑Dimethylacetamide + 2‑Alkanol: Experimental Data and Modeling
Mohammad Almasi (2014)
Thermodynamicpropertiesofbinarymixturescontainingdimethyl carbonateþ2-alkanol:Experimentaldata,correlationandprediction by ERASmodelandcubicEOS
Mohammad Almasi (2013)
Densities and viscosities of binary mixtures of ethylmethylketone and 2-alkanols; application of the ERAS model and cubic EOS
Mohammad Almasi (2013)
Densities and Viscosities of Binary Mixtures of Cyclohexanone and 2-Alkanols
Mohammad Almasi (2012)
Excess molar volumes of 1,3-propanediol + (C1–C5) alkan-1-ols: application of a cubic equation of state
Mohammad Almasi (2012)
Densities and Viscosities of Binary Mixtures Containing Diethylene Glycol and 2‑Alkanol
Mohammad Almasi (2012)
Excess molar volumes of diisopropylamine + (C1–C5) alkan-1-ols: Application of the ERAS model and cubic EOS
Mohammad Almasi (2011)
Excess molar volumes of binary mixtures of aliphatic alcohols (C1–C5) with Nitromethane over the temperature range 293.15 to 308.15 K: Application of the ERAS model and cubic EOS
Mohammad Almasi (2011)
Densities and Excess Molar Volumes of Binary and Ternary Mixtures Containing Acetonitrile + Acetophenone + 1,2-Pentanediol: Experimental Data, Correlation and Prediction by PFP Theory and ERAS Model
Mohammad Almasi (2011)
Densities, Viscosities, and Refractive Indices of Binary Mixtures of Acetophenone and 2-Alkanols
Mohammad Almasi (2010)
Densities, Viscosities, and Refractive Indices of Binary Mixtures of Methyl Ethyl Ketone + Pentanol Isomers at Different Temperatures
Mohammad Almasi (2010)
Densities, viscosities, excess molar volumes, and refractive indices of acetonitrile and 2-alkanols binary mixtures at different temperatures: Experimental results and application of the Prigogine–Flory–Patterson theory
Mohammad Almasi (2009)
مطالعه ترمودینامیکی برهمکنش بین آلکانولها و بعضی از گروههای عاملی
Mohammad Almasi (2019)
Research interests
ُSimulation of dynamic molecular interactions in solutions
study of molecular interactions by theoretical and experimental methods
Executive activities
Member of science faculty for programming educations
(1397 - 1399)
Scientific Societies Membership
Member of Iranian Chemical Society
Member of American Chemical Society
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