2025 : 3 : 11
Mahdi Kazemi
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Technical Engineering
kazemi [at] malayeru.ac.ir
Research activities
Research interests
Executive activities
PhD. in Mechanical Engineering , Bu-Ali Sina , Iran
(2012 - 2017)
Thesis title:
MSc. in Mechanical Engineering , K.N.T.U , Iran
(2005 - 2008)
Thesis title:
BSc. in Mechanical Engineering , Bu-Ali Sina , Iran
(2000 - 2004)
Thesis title:
Bachelor Of Science
Introduction to Finite Elements
Engineering Mathematics
Mechanics of Materials 1, 2
Master Of Science
Finite Element Methods
Theory of Elasticity
Impact mechanics
Research activities
Journal Papers
Effects of the reinforcing characteristics on the axial buckling load of the composite cylinders
Mahdi Kazemi, Rahman Seifi, Hamed Seifi (2025)
Effect of Post-FSW FSP Pass on Tensile Mechanical Characteristics and Hardness of Welded Samples of AA6061 Aluminum Alloy
Mahdi Kazemi, Mohsen Hamidi (2025)
Types and application of auxetic cells: A review
Mahdi Kazemi, Amir Mohammad Eghbalpoor (2024)
Efect of Welding Process on Energy Absorption Parameters of a Square Tube with Emphasis on the Number and Position of Welding Lines
Mahdi Kazemi (2024)
Influence of core density and thickness on the behavior three-point bending of sandwich beams: Analytical and Experimental
Mahdi Kazemi (2023)
Investigation and optimization of energy absorption of squared-section thin-walled structure under lateral dynamic loading
Mahdi Kazemi (2023)
Experimental and numerical study on ballistic resistance of aluminum foam sandwich panel considering porosity and dimensional effect
Mahdi Kazemi (2022)
Resistance of Cylindrical Sandwich Panels with Aluminum Foam Under Blast Loading
Mahdi Kazemi (2022)
Evaluation of critical buckling load in FG plate using analytical and finite elements methods
Mahdi Kazemi (2022)
اثرات آرایش هندسی جدید بر جذب انرژی یک سازه مخروطی با مقاطع مختلف
Mahdi Kazemi (2022)
Effect of cone angle of cylindrical pin in the SFSW and DFSW on mechanical properties of AA6061-T6 alloy
Mahdi Kazemi (2021)
Experimental analysis of sandwich composite beams under three-point bending with an emphasis on the layering effects of foam core
Mahdi Kazemi (2021)
Experimental investigation on the energy absorption characteristics of sandwich panels with layering of foam core under quasi-static punch loading
Mahdi Kazemi (2021)
Energy absorption parameters of multi-cell thin-walled structure with various thicknesses under lateral loading
Mahdi Kazemi (2020)
Effects of tool offset, pin offset, and alloys position on maximum temperature in dissimilar FSW of AA6061 and AA5086
Mahdi Kazemi (2020)
Investigation of Exerted Force on Roller and Roller Width Effects on Residual Stresses in Direct and Indirect Rolling of FSW of SU304 Steel
Mahdi Kazemi (2020)
Investigation on crushing behavior of laminated conical absorbers with different arrangements under axial loading
Mahdi Kazemi (2019)
Experimental Study of Ballistic Resistance of Sandwich Targets with Aluminum Face-sheet and Graded Foam Core
Mahdi Kazemi (2018)
Analytical and Numerical investigations on penetration of rigid projectile into the foam core sandwich panels with aluminum face-sheets
Mahdi Kazemi (2017)
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Effect of Cellular Wired Core on the Ballistic Resistance of Sandwich Structures
Mahdi Kazemi (2017)
An Empirical Study on Ballistic Resistance of Sandwich Targets with Aluminum facesheets and Composite Core
Mahdi Kazemi (2017)
Conference Papers
Simulation of the thermal model in welding processes with new techniques in coupled and uncoupled approaches, and the comparison with experimental results
Mahdi Kazemi (2011)
Research interests
Friction stir welding (FSW)
Energy absorbers
Sandwich panels
Impact mechanics
Stress analysis
Executive activities
Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
(1389 - 1391)
Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
(1397 - 1402)