2025 : 2 : 5
Milad Manafi

Milad Manafi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: agriculture
Address: Department of Animal Science. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran
Phone: 08133339881


Comparison effect of kelossia powder and Petroselinum powder with AGP on performance and visceral organ in broiler
Kelussia, powder, Petroselinum, performance, broilers.
Researchers mahdi hedayati ، Milad Manafi ، Mojtaba Yari


Objectives: to conduct comparison study of powder kelossia odoratissima mozaff and powder Petroselinum cripum with antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) on performance and visceral organ in broilers. Materials & Methods: A total number of 160 day- old broiler chicks (male) Ross 308 strain, were randomly assigned in 5 experimental groups, 4 repetitions with 8 chicks per every replicates for 35 days. Brooding was done for 10 days using incandescent bulbs. The temperature was maintained at 32±1°C in the first week and reduced by 2.5°C per week to 21°C. From day one until day 4 the lighting schedule was 24 h continuously. At days 5-42 the dark time was increased to 1 h. Each pen was fitted with an automatic bell type drinker and a hanging tubular feeder. Chicks were provided with feed and water ad libitum throughout the study. Feeding of test diets began at first day of age and continued till the termination of experiment. Basal diet was formulated and compounded to meet the nutrient requirements of commercial broilers (NRC, 1994) during the starter (0-2 wks), grower (2-4 wks) and finisher (4-6 wks) feed. Treatments include: 1) control without any additives; 2) basal diet with 500g/ton of feed antibiotic growth promoter (AGP); 3) basal diet with 0.8% powder kelossia odoratissima mozaff; 4) basal diet with 1% powder Petroselinum cripum and 5) basal diet with combination of 0.4% kelossia odoratissima mozaff and 0.5% Petroselinum cripum powders. Results & Conclusion: in Experimental treatment Petroselinum cripum powder causes a significant increase in body weight. And the combination of kelossia odoratissima mozaff powder and Petroselinum cripum powder in the second week significantly improved the feed conversion ratio. In early week Petroselinum cripum powder causes significant increase in t production index. At 35 day old, kelossia odoratissima mozaff powder and Petroselinum cripum powder decreased the weight of the heart significantly. Conclusion of this study showed, the P