2025 : 3 : 9
Mousa Rasouli

Mousa Rasouli

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Phone: 08133339841


  • BSc. in Horticultural Science , University of Tehran , Iran (1999 - 2004)
    Thesis title: Investigation of secondary growth pattern in horticultural plants
  • MSc. in Horticultural Science (Physiology and Breeding of Fruit Trees) , Tarbiat Modarres University,Tehran , Iran (2004 - 2006)
    Thesis title: Compatibility and incompatibility of some sweet cherry
  • PhD. in Horticultural Science (Physiology and Breeding of Fruit Trees) , University of Tehran , Iran (2006 - 2011)
    Thesis title: Evaluation of heritability of some traits, genetic control of blooming time and supplementary pollination in almond


Research activities

Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Comparison of different propagation methods of Myrtus communis Mousa Rasouli, behroz mohammadparast (2015)

Research interests

  • Physiology and Breeding of fruit trees (Environmental stress,Classical and Molecular breeding, Molecular Markers, Genetic Mapping, QTL)


  • ناديا سعيدي
    Name: Saeidi Nadia
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production of horticultural crop improvement Han.
    Thesis: Effect of Spraying Salicylic acid and Gibberelic acid on Yeild and qualitative and Physiological characteristics of ‘Bidaneh-sefid’ grapevines cultivar
  • سيدمهدي ميرباقري
    Name: Mirbagheri Syead Mehdi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effect of poliar application of Iron chelate and Potassium Sulphat on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of ‘Bidanh-sefid’ grapevines cultivar.
  • سحر جامه بزرگ
    Name: Jamehbozorg Sahar
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effect of sparying zinc sulfate and gibberellic acid on some physiological and morphological characteristics of Bidaneh Sefid grape cultivar. (Vitis vinifera L.)
  • بهمن ارشادي قره لر
    Name: Ershadi Gharelar Bahman
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Agriculture-Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Study of controlled pollination and morphological diversity of some walnut(Juglans regia L.) genotypes in order to selection superior progenies and genotypes
  • محمدرضا طالبيان
    Name: Talebian Mohammad Reza
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Plant Production Engineering
    Thesis: Effects of Salicylic acid, Methyl jasmonate and Yeast extracts on the Production of Rosmarinic acid in Medicinal plant (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) in Greenhouse
  • مهدي شمسي
    Name: Shamsi Mehdi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Mechanical Engineering of Biosystems
    Thesis: Detection of pistachio leaf Pests (Pistachio Psylla) and moth using image processing and Artificial Neural Networks
  • ليلا سهامي گيلان
    Name: sahami guilan Leila
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Plant Physiology
    Thesis: Effects of salicylic acid pretreatment on germination And early seedling growth of oil flax under salinity stress
  • نيره زنگنه
    Name: Zangeneh Nayereh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effect of potassium, Nano-chelate, potassium sulfate and humic acid spray on quantitative, qualitative and pHysiological factorsof grapevin
  • محمد كوليوند
    Name: Kolivand Mohammad
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effect of poliar application of Urea and Iron chelate on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of ‘Bidanh-sefid’ grapevines cultivar.
  • جواد جعفرزاده
    Name: Jafarzadeh Javad
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effected of foliar application of Iron, Zinc and Humic acid on quantitative and qualitative traits of the Malus domestica cultivar Golden Delicious
  • نوشين جاني جاني
    Name: Jani Noushin
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Herbal physiology
    Thesis: The effect of different concentrations of salinity on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.).
  • فاطمه غياثوند سالارآبادي
    Name: Gheyasvand Salar Abadi Fatemeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Biology-Plant Physiology
    Thesis: The evaluation of simultaneously effect of glycine betaine Leaf feeding and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) at dehydration tension in "Bidanh-sefid" grapevines by assessing the quantitative and qualitative indicators
  • فرزاد ميرزائي
    Name: Mirzaei Farzad
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effect of different drying methods on physiological and biochemical traits of obtained raisin of Bidaneh-Sefid grapevine
  • كورش فرهادي
    Name: Farhadi Kourosh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effects of Humic acid, Mycorrhiza fungi and endophytic Piriformospora indica fungi on some morphological and physiological traits of cut flower black Rose (Bordeaux) cultivar in greenhouse conditions
  • مشهدي محمد حاجي لي دوجي
    Name: Hajili Davachi Mashhad mohammad
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Biochemistry
    Thesis: Effects of Methyl Jasmonate Spray on Alleviation of Cold Stress Induced Oxidative Damages in Cucumber Seedlings
  • سواره ذبيحي
    Name: Zabihi Sware
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effect Of Salisylic Asid And Allicin On Some Physiological Factors Postharvest Factors In Some Grape (Vitis vinifera.L) Cultivars.
  • يوسف سبحاني
    Name: Sobhani Yousef
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effects of phosphours element and mycorrhizal on some morphological and phy-siological traits of cut flowers liliy ( Lilium Longiflorum) cultivar ‘Royal Trinity’ in greenhause condition
  • چيمن تاشان
    Name: Tashan Chiman
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Effects of calcium spray and edible coatings treatment on shelf-life of strawberries (Fragaria vesca L.)
  • عليرضا ملكي
    Name: Maleki Ali Reza
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Engineering Plant Production
    Thesis: Different methods of cascuta weed control in vineyards and its effects on some characteristics of grape
  • وهب اسدي
    Name: Asadi Wahab
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Horticulture- Pomology
    Thesis: Effect of Drought Stress on Some Physiological and Molecular traits of Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)
  • دنيا بهالو
    Name: Bahaloo Donya
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Horticulture-Breeding of Horticultural Crops
  • اكرم مختاري
    Name: Mokhtari Akram
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Breeding of Horticultural Crop
  • علي شايگان فر
    Name: Shayganfar Alireza
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Horticulture-Physiology and Breeding of Medicinal plant
    Thesis: The effects of different levels of UV radiation with application of protectants compounds on the morphological, phenological, physiological and phytochemical responses of three different species of Thymus
  • حسن حسين آبادي
    Name: Hoseinabadi Hasan
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Horticulture- Pomology
    Thesis: Vineyard management methods for increasing cold tolerance grape cv. ‘Bidaneh Sefid’ on the border of the river ‘Shrra’
  • مريم وحيدي
    Name: Vahidi Maryam
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Biology-Plant Physiology
  • ساره خدابخش زاده
    Name: Khodabakhshzadeh Sareh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Biology-Plant physiology
  • پروانه روستايي
    Name: Roostaei Parvaneh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: plant physiology
    Thesis: Study and determine of epiphytic bacterial inducing frost stress in grape (Vitis vinifera L.)
  • مهدي فلاح
    Name: Fallah Mehdi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Horticulture - Physiology and Breeding of Fruit Trees
    Thesis: Study of compatibility relationships among some almond cultivars and genotypes using controlled pollination, and ldentification of S alleles
  • احسان جوكار
    Name: Jokar Ehsan
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Horticultural Science
  • فاطمه نظري
    Name: Nazari Fatemeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: plant physiology
    Thesis: Investigation of antioxidant contents of some grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) by Salicylic acid treatment

Executive activities

  • Head of Horticulture & Landscape Engineering Department,Faculty of Agriculture, Malayer University (1397 - present)
  • Head of Grape Production and Genetic Improvement Department, Research Institute for Grapes and Raisin (RIGR) (1397 - present)
  • Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs (1396 - 1397)
  • Head of Agricultural Faculty, Malayer University (1394 - 1395)
  • Head of the Working Group of the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center (1394 - 1397)
  • Responsible of virtual education (1391 - 1392)

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جلسه دفاع دانشجويان بازديد علمي از باغ گياه شناسي دانشگاه تهران همراه پرفسور پدرو مارتينز- گومز استاد موسسه تحقيقاتي سيباس اسپانيا بازديد همراه محققين خارجي از سازمان پژوهش هاي علمي و صنعتي ايران - سال 1391 عمليات هرس تاك به همراه دانشجويان عمليات هرس تاك به همراه دانشجويان بازديد دانشجويان از باغ و كاخ موزه مجموعه سعد آباد تهران-1395 بازديد به همراه دانشجويان از مركز تحقيقات گل و گياهان زينتي محلات - استان مركزي بازديد به همراه دانشجويان از مركز تحقيقات گل و گياهان زينتي محلات - استان مركزي كتاب حفاظت گياهان از سرمازدگي و يخبندان-1395 انجام تحقيقات آزمايشگاهي مولكولي_اسپانيا سيستم تربيتي داربستي.درخت سيب محلول پاشي درختان سيب كتاب: كشت و پرورش انگور در اراضي شيب دار كتاب: كشت و پرورش انگور به صورت ديم