2025 : 1 : 2
Saeedeh Ghiasvand

Saeedeh Ghiasvand

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: science
Phone: 09120929781


The effect of air pollution stress on the chlorophyll pigments of Eucalyptus plants sampled from the areas around Abadan oil industries
air pollution chlorophyll, Eucalyptus, Abadan oil industries
Researchers Saeedeh Ghiasvand


Location of oil industries in the vicinity of cities and villages are among the most important causes of air pollution. Research on plants resistant to air pollution, measurement of physiological indicators related to them, as well as investigation of the sensitivity of plants to air pollution stress in stressed areas is one of the most important measures in this field In order to investigate and measure the amount of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments in this research, the method of Lichten Thaler (1987) was used. For this purpose, 0.2 g of fresh leaves were weighed by a Citizen CY360 laboratory scale with an accuracy of 1.100 and then ground in a Chinese mortar with some 80% acetone so that the large pieces were completely crushed and uniform. After that, the volume of the extracts was increased to 15 ml by adding 80% acetone. The obtained solutions were centrifuged at a speed of 3000 rpm for 20 minutes by a UNIVERSAL centrifuge model 320. After centrifugation and creation of two phases, the solution of the upper part was used to calculate the amount of chlorophyll and carotenoids. Light absorption of extracts was measured by JENUS spectrophotometer at wavelengths of 470, 646.8 and 663.2 nm. Also, 80% acetone was used as a control and also to zero the spectrophotometer. It should be noted that the following formulas were used to obtain the desired values. For this purpose, the observed absorbance values were put into the formulas and the obtained values were calculated in terms of milligrams per gram of leaf wet weight. The amount of chlorophyll a of Eucalyptus plant under the stress of air pollution in Abadan oil industry and Sangur areas compared to Tongeh area decreased from 0.57 mg/g fresh weight to 0.49 and 0.52 mg/g fresh weight(Figure1) . This decrease was evaluated as significant at the level of 0.01 between Abadan oil industry and Tongeh, while no significant difference was observed at the level of 0.01 between Abadan oil industry and Sangur. Chlorophyll