Industry is one of the five main sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions from human activities. Given Iran's voluntary commitments in the conference of Paris on reducing GHGs emissions, it is necessary for the Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade (MIMT) through affiliated organizations in the provinces, identify industrial plants with high emissions of GHGs to determine which existing industrial plants are adequate for emission reductions. In this research, fossil fuel consumption was used to identify industrial plants with high GHGs emissions in Hamadan province. To estimate the share of different industries in the province, from each industry, some active factories were visited randomly. During the visits, the production process and other possible emission sources of each industrial plant were studied. The industrial sectors of cement, brick, ceramic and porcelain products are the main sources of GHGs emissions in the province's industries, with more than three-quarters of GHGs emissions released from Hamadan province's industries. The continuous presentation of the annual fuel consumption report of industrial plants can be a major step in the continuous monitoring of industrial sectors GHGs emissions in the province's industries.