2025 : 3 : 7
Akbar Sazvar

Akbar Sazvar

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Literature and Human Sciences
Address: Malayer university


A cross sectional study on relationship between cardio – respiratory fitness with depression level in the Iranian youth male and female
Depression , Cardio-respiratory fitness , shuttel Run test , Beck depression test
Journal Advances In Environmental Biology
Researchers Akbar Sazvar


Introduction: Depression is an prevalent disorder that might affect upon everybody but same at people like students because of their special situation toward this disorder are more vulnerable with in time diagnoses of this disorder and impressive fact on it can supply some opportunities to prevention of depression improvement and finally to provide peoples and societies mental hygiene. The objects of this descriptive analytical project are : cognizance of depression prevalence and cardio–respiratory fitness rate of youth male and female and then investigation on relationship between these Variables. Methods: We used Beck questionnaire to examine the rate of depression and used shuttle run test to estimate vo2max. We selected randomly 240 young 18-27 year old Iranian boys and girls and we have done these two psycho-somatic profile. Results: Whole subjects depression rate using of evaluation Beck test have imparted 11.8. Number 198 of students have shown to some extent depression and the rate of depression was %82.5 . Of course this percent is becoming between girls %79.5 (117 person) and between boys %86.7 (85 person) the rate of depression of youth are more than other studies . Also the average of subject cardiac – respiratory readiness using of Shuttle Run test is estimated 40.5 mil/kg/min, That is average readiness. Conclusion: In relation ship between depression and cardio – respiratory fitness of subjects ,it has been shown that there is no meaningful correlation between these variables, at the p= 0.05 confidence level (R=0.05,p =0.44), in the other words, it seems that the rate of cardio–respiratory fitness has not effective in the increasing or decreasing of students depression . Whereas between Average educational of girls students in 0.05 depression meaningful correlation found (R=0.23) (p =0.006), but this relation between boys students was meaningless. (R=0.07 , p =0.47).