This study analyzed the fusions of zirconium with projectiles 28Si, 32,36S, 40,48Ca, 46.50Ti by using the CCFULL code. The calculations were performed through two potentials called the Woods– Saxon potential and the new optimized potential. The quadrupole and octupole vibration states were employed with different numbers of phonons for the reactant nuclei. Since the Q neutron transfer is negative in all reactions, the addition of transfer channels to the coupled channels cannot affect the calculations; therefore, they were ignored. The new optimized potential outputs are more consistent with the experimental results than those of the Woods–Saxon potential. The new potential also involved the dependence of nuclear forces on the spin and isospin. However, in the studied reactions, since all nuclei are even–even with zero spins in the ground state, the contribution of the spin part is zero; therefore, the spin effect is invisible.