2025 : 2 : 5
Farshid Mirzaee

Farshid Mirzaee

Academic rank: Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-1429-2548
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 6508385954
HIndex: 34/00
Faculty: Mathematical Sciences and Statistics
Address: Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Statistics, Department of Applied Mathematics, Malayer University, 4 Km Malayer-Arak Road, P. O. Box 65719-95863, Malayer, Iran.
Phone: +98 - 81 - 32457459


I was born on March 30, 1970, in Borujerd, Lorestan, Iran. I stayed there until the end of my high school education. I started my Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics in 1990 and graduated with distinction in1994 from Kharazmi University (Tarbiat Moallem University of Tehran), Tehran, Iran. Next year, I took part in the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) entrance examination and entered the Master of Science program in applied mathematics (numerical analysis). I conducted and defended my Master’s thesis under the supervision of Prof. Khosrow Maleknejad on June 21, 1997. I continued my studies in the same university as a top student and received my PhD degree in applied mathematics (numerical analysis) under the supervision of Prof. Khosrow Maleknejad on October 5, 2004. I joined the Department of Applied Mathematics, Malayer University, as an Assistant Professor on April 3, 2004, and was promoted to an Associate Professor and Professor position on November 22, 2014, and December 9, 2018, respectively. Email Address: fa_mirzaee@yahoo.com, far.mirzaee@gmail.com


  • BSc. in Mathematics , Kharazmi University (Tarbiat Moallem University of Tehran) , Iran (1989 - 1994)
    Thesis title: -
  • PhD. in Applied Mathematics , Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) , Iran (2001 - 2004)
    Thesis title: The numerical solution of integral equations using preconditioners and integral equations system using continuous piecewise orthogonal basic functions
  • MSc. in Applied Mathematics , Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) , Iran (1995 - 1997)
    Thesis title: Conjugate gradient methods for solving lareg nonsymmetric linear systems


Research activities

Journal Papers
Conference Papers

Research interests

  • Numerical Analysis, Integral Equations, Stochastic Calculus


  • مینا موسوی کمازانی
    Name: Mina Mosavi Kamazani
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: In Progress
  • مهدیه حسنی
    Name: Mahdiyeh Hassani
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: In Progress
  • فائزه نظري سامان
    Name: Nazari Saman Faeazeh
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: In Progress
  • مينا موسوي كمازاني
    Name: Mosavi Kamazani Mina
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: َA study on integral equations and interpolation methods
  • فرشته خزايي
    Name: Khazaei Fareshteh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Taylor collocation method for solving two-dimensional Voltterra integral equations
  • فاطمه ياري
    Name: Yari Fatemeh
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: In Progress
  • فاطمه محمدي
    Name: Mohammadi Fatemeh
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: َApplied Mathematics
    Thesis: In Progress
  • سهيلا حاتمي شريف آبادي
    Name: Hatami Sharifabady Sohila
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Boubaker polynomials and their applications for numerical solution of two-dimensional integral equations
  • عليرضا نظري
    Name: Nazari Ali Reza
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of two-dimensional integral equations using Bernoulli polynomials
  • محمد فريادرس
    Name: Faryadres Mohammad
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Alternative Legendre polynomials for solving integral equations
  • شيوا ناصري فر
    Name: Naserifar Shiva
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Application of barycentric rational interpolation method for solving classes stochastic differential equations driven by variable-order fractional Brownian motion
  • مهران قزلباش
    Name: Ghazelbash Mehran
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Spline functions method for solving Fredholm integral equations
  • ادريس صباغ
    Name: Sabagh Edies
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Genocchi polynomials and their applications for numerical solution of differential equations
  • نرگس برزگر
    Name: Barzegar Narges
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: ٍImplementation of numerical schemed based on extended Lucas polynomials for solving integral equations
  • صفيه ده پهلوان
    Name: Dehpahlevan Safie
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: َApplication of mean value theorem for solving integral equations
  • طاهره محبي
    Name: Mohebi Tahereh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Application of Sinc-collocation method for solving integral equations
  • فاطمه كولي وند
    Name: Kolivand Fateme
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: َ A spectral collocation method with piecewise trigonometric basis functions for solving nonlinear integral equations
  • هاجر كماني
    Name: Kamani Hajar
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Extrapolation method for solving linear and nonlinear integral equations
  • محسن ديناروند
    Name: Dinarvand Mohsen
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of two-dimensional integral equations by hybrid Legendre polynomials and block-pulse functions
  • فائزه نظري سامان
    Name: Nazari Saman Faeazeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of differential and integral equations using Muntz wavelets
  • مينا مياهي
    Name: Miahi Mina
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: On monomials and approximate monomials
  • عرفان صلحي
    Name: Solhi Erfan
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Moving least squares scheme for solving stochastic integral equations and its applications
  • مينا محمدبيگي
    Name: Mohammad Beigi Mina
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Lucas polynomials and their applications for numerical solution of differential and integral equations
  • زهره تيموري
    Name: Taymouri Zohreh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integral equations using Muntz-Legender polynomials
  • زهرا هلالي
    Name: Halali Zahra
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of two-dimensional Volterra integral equations via Legendre polynomials
  • آرزو افشاري
    Name: Afshari Arezo
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integro-differential equations using Dickson polynomials
  • نيلوفر ايازي
    Name: Ayazi Niloufar
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Chebyshev operational matrix method for solving Volterra integral equations and fractional order differential equations
  • سحر عليپور چهارمحالي
    Name: Alipour Chaharmahale Sahar
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Spline approximation for solving Itô stochastic integral equations
  • سميه منتي
    Name: Manati Somaye
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of fractional partial differential equations via Bernstein polynomials
  • سعيد سراقي
    Name: Soraghi Saeed
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Cubic B-spline collocation method for solving integral equations
  • افسون حمزه
    Name: Hamzeh Afsun
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Higher degree piecewise polynomial functions for solving fractional stochastic Itȏ-Volterra integral equations
  • الناز صالح
    Name: Saleh Elnaz
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Least squares approximation method for the solution of integral equations
  • بهنور فضايلي
    Name: Fazayeli Behnoor
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Legendre polynomials and their applications to the numerical solution of integral equations
  • ليلا ياري
    Name: Yari Leila
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: A new collocation method for numerical solution of integral equations
  • صفيه موسوي
    Name: Mousavi Safieh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integral equations by the Tau method
  • خديجه مهدوي مقدم
    Name: Mahdavi Moghadam Khadijeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integral equations by using Chebyshev polynomials
  • ليلا رسولي
    Name: Rasuli Leila
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Chebyshev-Newton-Cotes quadrature rules
  • مهدي كاميار
    Name: Kamyar Mahdi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Using Sine-Cosine wavelets for solving Fredholm integro-differential equations
  • سميه فراهاني
    Name: Farahani Somaye
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of fractional integral equations using triangular functions
  • سونيا قهرماني
    Name: Ghahremani Sonia
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Laplace decomposition method for solving Volterra integral equations
  • فهيمه عزتي
    Name: Ezzati Fahimeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations with finitely many roots in an interval
  • ليلي قنبري
    Name: Ghanbari Leili
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Delta basise functions and using that for solving system of integral equations
  • شكوفه جليلوند
    Name: Jalilvand Shekoofeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Using Taylor-series expansion method for solving integral equations
  • فاطمه سلامي
    Name: Salami Fateme
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of fractional differential equations based on the hat basis functions
  • مصطفي اميني
    Name: Amini Mostafa
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Using quartic B-spline for solving second-order singular boundary
  • سيما پيروزفر
    Name: Piroozfar Sima
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: , Triangular orthogonal functions and using that for solving integral equations
  • زينت رافعي بروجني
    Name: Rafei Boroujeni Zinat
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of Volterra integral equations by block by block method
  • شيما سيف
    Name: Seif Shima
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solutions of fuzzy linear Volterra integral equations by fuzzy differential transform method
  • الهام حداديان نژاد يوسفي
    Name: Hadadiyan Nezhadyosefi Elham
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Block-pulse orthogonal functions and using that for solving integral equations
  • ساسان فتحي
    Name: Fathi Sasan
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solutions of integral equations by using the Bernstein polynomials
  • زهرا بيرانوند
    Name: Beiranvand Zahra
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Bernoulli polynomials for solving Fredholm integral equations
  • عاطفه تركاشوند
    Name: Torkashvand Atefe
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integral equations using Bessel polynomials method
  • افسون حمزه
    Name: Hamzeh Afsun
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: A fourth order derivative free method for solving nonlinear equations
  • سيده فاطمه حسيني
    Name: Hoseini Seyde Fateme
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Polynomials and hybrid functions and their application for solving integral equations
  • عرفان صلحي
    Name: Solhi Erfan
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integral equations using Laguerre polynomials method
  • علي اكبر حسيني
    Name: Hoseini Ali Akbar
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integral equation via hybrid block-pulse functions and Taylor series
  • مريم كميلي
    Name: Komeily Maryam
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integral equations using Boubaker basis polynomials method
  • ليلا لطيفي ناميله
    Name: Latifi Namileh Leyla
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of Volterra integral equations by using differential transform method
  • نسرين يوسفي
    Name: Yousefi Nasrin
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: The orthogonal block-pulse functions and their applications to solve the partial fractional differential equations
  • مژده اسدي منفرد
    Name: Asadi Monfared Mozhdeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Reproducing kernel method for solving Volterra integral equations
  • داود معظمي
    Name: Moazami Davood
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: ُSolving nonlinear two-dimentional integral equations on non-rectangular domains
  • زينب شاهوندي
    Name: Shahvandi Zainab
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Hermite polynomials and their application for numerical solution integral equations
  • مريم كرمي
    Name: Karami Maryam
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Schauder bases for solving systems of Volterra integral equations
  • فرنوش جهادي
    Name: Jahadi Farnoosh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Efficient Galerkin solution of stochastic fractional integro-differential equations via Chebyshev wavelets
  • فاطمه بختيار
    Name: Bakhtiyar Fateme
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: The numerical methods for solving absolute value equations
  • احمد ملكيان زاده
    Name: Malekianzadeh Ahmad
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Single term Walsh functions series method for solving system of Volterra integral equations
  • الهام كريمي
    Name: Karimi Elham
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of integral equations via Sinc approximation
  • بيژن گودرزي
    Name: Goudarzi Bizhan
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: On some iterative numerical methods for solving integral equations
  • علي خدادادي
    Name: Khodadadi Ali
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: A spectral iterative method for solving nonlinear Abel type Volterra integral equations
  • الهام حداديان نژاد يوسفي
    Name: Hadadiyan Nejadyousefi Elham
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of stochastic Stratonovich integral equations by using modification of hat functions
  • رويا باميان
    Name: Bamian Roya
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Mathematics
    Thesis: Numerical solution of dual integral equations using Chebyshev polynomials

Executive activities

  • Vice chancellor for research and technology of the university (1399 - 1400)
  • Deputy of Malayer University chancellor to promotion committee (1391 - 1392)
  • Plenipotentiary agent of university to hold entrance exams (1391 - 1394)
  • Member of employment board of faculty members university (1387 - 1391)
  • Head of faculty of mathematical sciences and statistics (1392 - 1399)
  • Member of university council (1391 - 1400)
  • Member of university education council (1392 - 1395)
  • Member of university research council (1397 - 1399)
  • Member of university research council (1385 - 1396)
  • Vice chancellor of administrative staff and financial affairs of the university (1386 - 1391)
  • In charge of setting up faculty of mathematical sciences and statistics (1391 - 1392)

Image Gallery

استاد دكتر خسرو مالك نژاد برگزيده دريافت جايزه استاد دكتر عباس رياضي كرماني (به خاطر نويسنده بهترين مقاله در سي و چهارمين كنفرانس رياضي كشور)، دانشگاه صنعتي شاهرود جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 دكتر خسرو مالك نژاد در جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 دكتر اسماعيل بابليان در جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 دكتر مهدي دهقان در جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 دكتر عبدالله شيدفر در جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 دكتر جليل رشيدي نيا در جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 دكتر رحمان فرنوش و دكتر جليل رشيدي نيا در جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 دكتر غلامحسين ياري در جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 دكتر مسعود هاديان دهكردي در جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 جلسه دفاعيه از پايان نامه دكتري، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران، سه شنبه چهاردهم مهر ماه 1383 ساعت 15 پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه و دانشگاه هاي استان همدان در سال 1397 پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه و دانشگاه هاي استان همدان در سال 1399 پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه هاي استان همدان در سال 1400 پژوهشگر پراستناد دو درصد برتر جهان در سال 2023 پژوهشگر پراستناد یک درصد برتر جهان در سال 2023 پژوهشگر پراستناد یک درصد برتر جهان در سال 2024