2025 : 3 : 7
Farshid Mirzaee

Farshid Mirzaee

Academic rank: Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-1429-2548
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 6508385954
HIndex: 34/00
Faculty: Mathematical Sciences and Statistics
Address: Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Statistics, Department of Applied Mathematics, Malayer University, 4 Km Malayer-Arak Road, P. O. Box 65719-95863, Malayer, Iran.
Phone: +98 - 81 - 32457459


Krylov subspace methods for solving integral equations and partial differential equations
krylov subspace, linear systems, CG, Arnoldi method, breakdown, integral equations, partial integral equations.
Researchers Farshid Mirzaee


The system of Ax=b where A is an n*n real matrix which is nonsingular is derived from integral equations and partial integral equations. In this paper, the method based on Krylov subspace(e.g. Arnolid,generalizedminimal residual(GMRES),bi-conjugate gradient (Bi-CG), CONJUGATE GRADIENT SQUARED (cgs) and Bi-CG stable (Bi-CGSTAB)) for solving the above linear system will be examined, then a package of software operated by 'Mathematica' concerning the previous methods will be presented, and finally I'll show the similarities among the order of operation and the time alloted and the breakdowns of those methods. Mean while, some numerical examples will be given.