2025 : 3 : 14
Hamidreza Heidari

Hamidreza Heidari

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Technical Engineering


  • MSc. in (2003 - 2006)
    Thesis title:
  • PhD. in (2007 - 2012)
    Thesis title:

Research activities

Journal Papers
طراحی پارامترهای تکیه گاه یک روتور جفکات با استفاده از NES Hamidreza Heidari (2021) aut journal of mechanical engineering: 5(2); 3-3
Nonlinear Resonance Analysis of Dielectric Elastomer Actuators Under Thermal and Isothermal Conditions Hamidreza Heidari (2021) International Journal of Applied Mechanics: 12(9); 2050100
Trajectory Planning of Quadrotor Systems for Various Objective Functions Hamidreza Heidari (2021) ROBOTICA: 39; 137-152
Trajectory Planning of Quadrotor UAV with Maximum Payload and Minimum Oscillation of Suspended Load Using Optimal Control Hamidreza Heidari (2020) JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS: 100; 1369–1381
Nonlinear dynamics of dielectric elastomer balloons based on the Gent-Gent hyperelastic model Hamidreza Heidari (2020) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS: 82; 103986
Chaotic Motion of a Parametrically Excited Dielectric Elastomer Hamidreza Heidari (2020) International Journal of Applied Mechanics: 12(3); 2050033
H∞ and H2 optimization procedures for optimal design of support parameters of a flexible rotor Hamidreza Heidari (2019) Computational and Applied Mathematics: 38; 152(1-13)
The Effect of Support Parameters on the Force Transmissibility of a Flexible Rotor Hamidreza Heidari (2019) مهندسي مكانيك ايران: 20(2); 28-41
Active vibration control of rotor-bearing system by virtual dynamic absorber Hamidreza Heidari (2019) EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS: 86(3); 30901
Chaotic dynamics and primary resonance analysis of a curved carbon nanotube considering influence of thermal and magnetic fields Hamidreza Heidari (2019) Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering: 41; 294:1-14
Analytical approximation solutions of a dielectric elastomer balloon using the multiple scales method Hamidreza Heidari (2019) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS: 74; 485-496
Vibration control of imbalanced Jeffcott rotor by virtual passive dynamic absorber with optimal parameter values Hamidreza Heidari (2018) PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE: 232(23); 4278–4288
Design and Fabrication of Robotic Gripper for Grasping in Minimizing Contact Force Hamidreza Heidari (2018) ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH: 61; 1359-1370
Design and fabrication of an energy-harvesting device using vibration absorber Hamidreza Heidari (2017) European Physical Journal Plus: 132; 233 (1-11)
Design and modeling of a novel active squeeze film damper Hamidreza Heidari (2016) MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY: 105; 235–243
Optimal trajectory planning for increased stability of mobile flexible manipulators undergoing large deflection Hamidreza Heidari (2016) PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE: 231; 85-95
Payload Maximization for Mobile Flexible Manipulators in an Environment with Obstacle Hamidreza Heidari (2015) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: 53; 911-923
Maximum allowable load of very flexible manipulators by using absolute nodal coordinate Hamidreza Heidari (2015) Journal Of Aerospace Science And Technology: 45; 67-77
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DYNAMIC LOAD OF MOBILE MANIPULATORS WITH STABILITY CONSIDERATION Hamidreza Heidari (2015) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: 45; 3-22
Optimal Trajectory Planning for Flexible Link Manipulators with Large Deflection Using a New Displacements Approach Hamidreza Heidari (2013) JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS: 72; 287-300