2024 : 12 : 19
Mir Mehrdad Mirsanjari

Mir Mehrdad Mirsanjari

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Natural Resources and Enviroments


Investigating the Effect of Suburban Buses on Traffic Flow and CarbonMonoxide Emission by Aimsun Simulation Software
Traffic flow, Fuel consumption, Delay time, Carbon monoxide, Aimsun
Journal Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
Researchers Mir Mehrdad Mirsanjari


Incorrect placement of use in the urban area can affect the demand pattern of trips, traffic flow between the differentdistricts, and air pollution. Traffic simulators were used to study the impact of this factor on traffic flow and pollutantemission in traffic networks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the incorrect placement of the TehranWest Terminal on the flow of traffic and the amount of carbon monoxide emission in the network using the Aimsunsimulation software. Hence, the suburban bus route was simulated from the West Terminal to the Bakery intersection in thepresence and absence of suburban buses. Then parameters were investigated, such as carbon monoxide emissions, fuelconsumption, delay time, total travel time, and average speed of traffic flow. The results showed that when suburban busesare present in the network, the average traffic speed rate decreased by 7.6%, and the total travel time and network delaytime increased by 11.1% and 9.1%, respectively, which in general indicates a decrease in the quality of the in-networktraffic flow. Also, fuel consumption and carbon monoxide emissions increased with suburban bus presence in the networkby 13.7% and 9.1%, respectively. The results can confirm that lack of attention to urban development limits and ignoringthe importance of sustainable urban management in controlling traffic demand can have negative economic and envi-ronmental consequences.