Abstract The purpose: This study is to investigate the impact of an eight-Weak morning exercise on some hematological factors of male university students at Malayer University. Methodology: 26 male university students without any previous smoking experiences or regular exercise programs (age, 19/23 ± 1/07 years old and BMI, 22/53 + 5 kg/m2) were chosen randomly and divided into two groups of control and exercise. The exercise group did an 8-week exercise for three times a week with 55% to 75% of max heart rate but the control group did every day activities. Blood samples of participants were collected before the first session of exercise and after the last session at a specific time (7:00 in the morning) from both control and exercise group after an overnight fast. Findings: The findings show that an 8 – week morning exercise leads to a significant increase in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit percent, amount of fibrinogen, prothrombin formation time and also cause a significant reduction in the number of white blood cells, platelets, clotting time, and bleeding time (p = %5). Conclusion: The finding of this study reveals that an eight – week morning exercise of sub max does not have any negative effect on hematological and physiological factors of young and active people with healthy metabolic, kidney and cardiorespriatory systems.