2024 : 12 : 19
Mahdi Rezaei Sameti

Mahdi Rezaei Sameti

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: science
Address: Department of applied chemistry,Faculty science, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran
Phone: 32355404


The theoretical study of effect of temperature on the physicochemical parameters for binary mixtures of vinyl acetate and benzyl acetate, +o-xylene, + m-xylene and +p-xylene
Excess thermal expansion coefficients; Isothermal coefficient of pressure excess molar enthalpy; Acoustical parameters; Flory
Journal journal of saudi chemical society
Researchers Mahdi Rezaei Sameti


Abstract In this work we used the Flory theory of liquid mixtures for determining the thermal parameters such as excess thermal expansion coefficients aE, and isothermal coefficient of pressure excess molar enthalpy ð@HE m=@PÞT;x, of the binary mixtures formed by vinyl acetate and benzyl acetate +o-xylene, or m-xylene, or p-xylene at (303.15 and 313.15) K. From these data the acoustical parameters such as available volume (Va), isothermal (K/), isobaric (K), and isochoric acoustical parameters (K//), isochoric temperature coefficient of the internal pressure (X), and Moelwyn- Hughes parameter (C1), have been calculated. The excess thermal expansion coefficient aE, for the binary mixtures of benzyl acetate +o-xylene and vinyl acetate+ m-xylene are negative in x =0.2434 and x = 0.9602, respectively, and positive for all mole fractions and increase with increasing temperatures from (303.15 and 313.15) K. The isothermal coefficient of pressure excess molar enthalpy, ð@HE m=@PÞT;x, for vinyl acetate + o-xylene, + p-xylene and benzyl acetate+ mxylene,+ p-xylene are negative and decrease with increasing temperatures from (303.15 and 313.15) K. The isothermal coefficient of pressure excess molar enthalpy, ð@HE m=@PÞT;x; for a binary mixture of benzyl acetate +o-xylene is positive and increases with increasing temperatures from (303.15 and 313.15) K.