2025 : 3 : 11
Mahdi Rezaei Sameti

Mahdi Rezaei Sameti

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: science
Address: Department of applied chemistry,Faculty science, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran
Phone: 32355404


Adsorptive Removal of Nerve Agent Gases by Carbon Nanotubes: A Density Functional Theory Study
Adsorptive removal; CNTs; DFT; electronic property; gas filter; nerve agent
Journal Zeitschrift Für Physikalische Chemie
Researchers Mahdi Rezaei Sameti


Density functional theory (DFT) studies were performed to evaluate the adsorption behavior and electronic response of (4,4) carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to the organophosphorus nerve agents 3,3-dimethylbutan-2-yl methyl phosphono fluoridate (Soman), pinacolyl methyl phosphonate (SOS), diethyl fluorophosphates (SAS-F) and diethyl chlorophosphate (SAS-Cl). The calculations were performed using the triple numerical plus polarization (TNP) as the basis set with an orbital cutoff of 4.5 Å. The electronic exchange and correlation effects were analyzed by generalized gradient approximation (GGA) with the BLYP parameterization. The studied systems were fully optimized and adsorption energy (Ead), interaction distances, geometric and electronic structures were investigated. According to the obtained relatively high Ead, it was shown that Soman, SOS, SAS-Cl and SAS-F more likely to be absorbed on the CNTs surfaces, introducing an interesting candidate for chemisorption of the nerve agent gas molecules. As a result, the order of increasing of the Ead values of the studied systems were |Ead SAS-F/CNT| > |Ead SAS-Cl/CNT| > |Ead SOS/CNT| > |Ead Soman/CNT| systems. The calculated partial density of states (PDOS) of the adsorption systems confirmed the strong electrons interaction between the nerve agent molecules and the CNTs surfaces. The obtained results indicated the potential application of CNTs in the design and fabrication of protective low-cost gas filters against toxic odorless nerve agent gases.