In this paper, the Kubo-Greenwood formula based on the tight-binding model is used to investigate the effects of the bias voltage and magnetic field on the electrical conductivity and heat capacity of the trilayer BP and BN with energy-stable stacking structures. The results show that electronic and thermal properties of the selected structures can be significantly modified by external fields. The position and intensity of DOS peaks and the band gap of selected structures are affected by the external fields. When external fields increases above critical value, the band gap decreases to zero and semiconductor-metallic transition occurs. The results show that the thermal properties of the BP and BN structures are zero in TZ temperature region and increase by temperature above TZ. The increasing rate for thermal properties depends on the stacking configuration and changes with the bias voltage and magnetic field. In the presence of the stronger field, the TZ region decreases below 100 K. Compared to the BP structures, the BN types with larger band gap has smaller electrical conductivity which can be increased in order to 3L-BP by applying the stronger magnetic field or bias voltage. These results are interesting for the future development of nanoelectronic devices.