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Rashid Rezaei

Rashid Rezaei

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Mathematical Sciences and Statistics


  • BSc. in Pure Mathematics , Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad , Iran (1997 - 2001)
    Thesis title:
  • PhD. in Pure Mathematics - Algebra , Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad , Iran (2003 - 2008)
    Thesis title: commutativity degree of finite groups and isoclinism of groups
  • MSc. in Pure Mathematics , Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad , Iran (2001 - 2003)
    Thesis title:

Research activities

Journal Papers
Conference Papers

Research interests

  • Group Theory, Graph Theory, Coding Theory


  • كرم ظفري
    Name: Zafari Karam
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: The Structure of Z_2Z_2^s - Additive Codes: Bounds on the Minimum Distance.
  • حسين مولوي
    Name: MoLavi Hoseein
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: On Z_p^rZ_p^s -Additive Codes
  • حميدرضا كرمي
    Name: Karami Hamid Reza
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Z_2Z_4-Addative Formaly Self-Dual Codes
  • اكرم جابري رحيم
    Name: Jaberi Rahim Akram
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Maximum Distance Separable codes over Z_2 and Z_2 × Z_4
  • آسيه چابك هفشجاني
    Name: Chabok Hafashejani Asieh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Non-commuting Graph of Nilpotent Group
  • نوشين سوري
    Name: Souri Nooshin
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Z_2Z_4-Linear Codes: Generator Matrices and Duality
  • نرگس رضائي
    Name: Rezaei Narges
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: One Weight Z_2Z_4 Additive Codes
  • زهره محمد اصغري
    Name: Mohammad Asghari Zohreh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Cyclic Codes Over $\f{F_2[u]}{u^4-1}$ and Applications to DNA Codes
  • فاطمه رستمي
    Name: Rostami Fatemeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Non-nilpotent Graph of a Group
  • سعيد نژاد خلفي
    Name: Nejad Khalafi Saeid
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: On the clique Number of Non-commuting Graphs of Certain Groups
  • سميه سيار نصر آبادي
    Name: Sayar Nasrabadi Somayeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Relative Non-commuting Graph of a Finite Group
  • زهرا احمدوند شاهوردي
    Name: Ahmadvand Shahverdi Zahra
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Relative n-th Non-commuting Graph of Finite Groups
  • رقيه پيرمرادي راد
    Name: Pirmoradi Rad Roghayeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Relative non Nil-n Graphs of Finite Groups
  • ساره ده نمكي
    Name: Dehnamaki Sareh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: commutativity pattern of finite non-abelian p-groups determine their orders
  • نرگس نصيري زاده
    Name: Nasiri zadeh Narges
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Subgroup Commutativity Degree of Finite Groups
  • وحيد عبدالملكي
    Name: Abdolmaleki Vahid
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Commuting Graph of Group Algebras
  • معصومه رستمي
    Name: Rostami Masoomeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Non-commuting Graph of Non-abelian Groups
  • فروغ قطره ساماني
    Name: Ghatreh Samany Forogh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Non Cyclic Graph of non Locally Cyclic Groups
  • عصمت جان بزرگي
    Name: janbozorgi smat
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Subgroup Normality Degree of Finite Groups
  • محبوبه حسين آبادي
    Name: Hosseinabadi Mahboubeh
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: F_{p^m}F_{p^m}[u^2]-Additive Skew Cyclic Codes of Length 2p^s
  • رقيه محمدي حصاري
    Name: Mohamadi Hesari Roghaye
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: On self-dual of skew cyclic codes of length $p^s$ over $\mathbb{F}_{p^m}+u\mathbb{F}_{p^m}
  • مريم باجلان
    Name: Bajalan Maryam
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: On Codes Over Product Of Finite Chain Rings
  • مينا معيني
    Name: Moeini Mina
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: MacWilliams Identity for Linear Codes over Finite Chain rings with respect to Homogeneous Weight
  • مريم ايزدي
    Name: Izadi Maryam
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: Constacyclic Duadic Codes Over F_q and their application to self-dual codes with respect to the symmetric inner product
  • عبدالله چاشياني
    Name: Chashiani Abdollah
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: On the Commutativity Degree of a Group Algebra
  • مهدي ورمزيار
    Name: Varmazyar Mehdi
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: The Graph of Equivalence Classes and Isoclinism of Groups
  • عاطفه حسنوند
    Name: Hasanvand Atefeh
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Pure Mathematics - Algebra
    Thesis: On the comaximal graph of a group