For centuries, Damask rose has been one of the most popular species of the rose family. Damask rose can be propagated using vegetative methods such as micropropagation. In this research, the use of temporary immersion system was reported for the first time in damask rose micropropagation. For this reason, a traditional temporary immersion system was designed to facilitate Damask rose micropropagation. To optimize this system, the effects of the BAP concentrations, immersion time, explants containing the regenerated shoots with different lengths, the number of explants per temporary immersion unit were investigated in the independent experiments according to a completely randomized design. Temporary immersion system was also compared with the solid and liquid media. The results showed that the highest means for shoot number per explant were obtained from a temporary immersion system using an immersion time of 3 min every 150 min (11.8 shoots), a modified MS medium with 6 mg l-1 BAP (12.33 shoots) and explants with shoot length of 4 cm (12.45 shoots). Results indicated that the temporary immersion system was significantly better than solid and liquid media for mean shoot number per explant (10.66, 2.56 and 5.66, respectively).