Physics department

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Alireza  AbdiKian
Research Interests:  Investigation of wave propagation in plasma - interaction of nonlinear waves
Academic Ranks:  Associate Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(Theoretical Physics (Plasma))
Hamed  Abdolmaleki
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Assistant Professor
Address:  Malair KM 4, Arak Road, Malayer University, Faculty of Basic Sciences
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(High energy Physic)
Nader  Ahmadvand
Research Interests:  Electrodeposition, Density functional theory, Quantum simulations, Biosensors, Nanobiopharmacology
Academic Ranks:  Assistant Professor
Address:  Faculty of science, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(Condensed matter physics)
Hamed  Bahiraei
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Associate Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(فیزیک)
Raad  Chegel
Research Interests:  Electrical, Optical and thermal properties of Nanostructures, Tight Binding, Density Functional Function
Academic Ranks:  Associate Professor
Address:  Malayer University
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(Nano Optics )
Vali  Dalooji
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Associate Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(فیزیک)
javad  fouladi
Research Interests:  Synthesis and characterization of Quantum Nanostructures, Nano Devices and Nanostructures, Optical, photonic and electronic devices and systems, Nonlinear Optics of 2D Materials, Quantum Materials Photonics & Electronics
Academic Ranks:  Assistant Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(photonics)
Nader  Ghobadi
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Associate Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(فیزیک)
Ebrahim  Gholami Hatam
Research Interests:  Ion beam Analysis- Thin films- Nuclear matter
Academic Ranks:  Associate Professor
Address:  Physics department, Science faculty, Malayer uinversity, Malayer, Iran
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(Nuclear Physics (IBA))
Dariush  Mehrparvar
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Assistant Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(فیزیک)
Ali  Moghadasi
Research Interests:  Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics
Academic Ranks:  Assistant Professor
Address:  department of physics, faculty of science
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(Physics)
Ebrahim  Mohammadi-Manesh
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Associate Professor
Address:  Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(Physics)
Mohammadreza  Mohebifar
Research Interests:  Quantum Computer, Laser interaction with matter, plasma and ..., Quantum Optics, Laser Spectroscopy
Academic Ranks:  Associate Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(physics)
mahmoud  naseri
Research Interests:  Nanomaterials: Science and Applications, Nanocarriers
Academic Ranks:  Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(فیزیک)
Masoud  Rezvani Jalal
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Assistant Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(Atomic and Molecular Physics)
Dariush  Souri
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(فیزیک)
Raziyeh  Zaregonbadi
Research Interests: 
Academic Ranks:  Assistant Professor
Faculty:  science
Department:  Physics department(physics)