ابراهیم غلامی حاتم

ابراهیم غلامی حاتم

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی
دانشکده: دانشکده علوم پایه
نشانی: کیلومتر 4 جاده اراک- دانشگاه ملایر- گروه فیزیک
تلفن: +98 (81) 3333 9840 (358)

مشخصات پژوهش

تعیین موقعیت حفره و تخلخل در مواد با استفاده از آنالیز با باریکه یونی به روش استروپیکسی
نوع پژوهش
مقاله ارائه شده
پیکسی، استروپیکس، تخلخل
سال 1393
پژوهشگران ابراهیم غلامی حاتم


The present paper presents a new method to determine the location, size and depth of the cavity in the material that is based on the asymmetry in the X-ray yield induced by proton micro-beam acquired in samples by a pair of X-ray detectors. Characteristic X-rays induced via ion beam interactions with the electron cloud of target atoms, in the path length to the detector weakened due to absorption in the sample. Due to the holes in the sample and dependence of X-ray absorption induced to the path length through the sample, we have different characteristic X-ray absorption along the sample which results in asymmetry X-ray yield induced in two spectrometers that simultaneously positioned at opposite sides of the probing beam. Using obtained data from two X-ray detector and calculation of asymmetry in X-ray yield and comparing it with each of the pixels in two images the asymmetry represents the position of the holes in the sample. Having in mind the analogy of a two X-ray detector micro-PIXE set-up with a stereo-vision configuration, we refer to the technique as stereo-PIXE. We demonstrate whatever existing cavity radius is greater, asymmetry in X-ray yield in detectors will be more and thus recognition of cavity will be easier. Also, whatever the cavity in the material is in more depth, asymmetry in X-ray yield will be less.