2025 : 3 : 7
Ebrahim Gholami Hatam

Ebrahim Gholami Hatam

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: science
Address: Physics department, Science faculty, Malayer uinversity, Malayer, Iran
Phone: +98 (81) 3333 9840 (358)


Application of segmented annular SiliconDrift Detector for 3-D surface topography reconstruction by micro-PIXE
stereo-PIXE, annular SDD, surface topography
Researchers Ebrahim Gholami Hatam


Having access to the third dimension of elemental distribution either in the form of surface topography or in the form of height profile is valuable when evaluating the experimental data with ion beam techniques. Previously, authors had introduced an innovative approach reconstructing the surface topography using stereovision of the 2-D elemental X-ray map induced by focused MeV proton beams [1-5]. The proposed method using two X-ray spectrometers was restricted to drive the inclination angles in the lateral direction of the detector positions. Here, we benefit from the four-segment Silicon Drift Detector (SDD), with an annular symmetric geometry mounted at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) microprobe, to reconstruct the roughness height profile both in the lateral and longitudinal direction of the scanned area. We proposed that stereo-PIXE method can be extended to the four-segment detector by considering a set of stereovision maps acquired by orthogonal segments. X-ray intensity disparity from the multi-view of the elemental distribution in combination with an ideal flat reference model of the sample was used to infer the normal surface angle and consequence the gradient of the topography along the planes that intersect the two opposing segments. Consequently, the integration of the height gradient was numerically performed in the two orthogonal directions along the sample surface in order to reconstruct the 3-D sample surface topography profile. The method is demonstrated on the bulk Ti sample with an engraved grid structure