2025 : 3 : 11
Ebrahim Gholami Hatam

Ebrahim Gholami Hatam

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: science
Address: Physics department, Science faculty, Malayer uinversity, Malayer, Iran
Phone: +98 (81) 3333 9840 (358)


  • BSc. in Physics (Atomic and Molecular) , Kharazmi University , Iran (2000 - 2004)
    Thesis title:
  • PhD. in Nuclear Physics , Van de Graaff Lab, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) , Iran (2008 - 2012)
    Thesis title: A new method for 3-D surface topography reconstruction by stereo-PIXE
  • MSc. in Nuclear Physics , University of Tehran , Iran (2004 - 2006)
    Thesis title: The properties of interacting fermions with large scattering length


Research activities

Journal Papers
A simple method to prepare and characterize optical fork-shaped diffraction gratings for generation of orbital angular momentum beams Mohammad Reza Rashidian Vaziri, Abolfazl Hosseini, Ebrahim Gholami Hatam, Reza Azmoodeh Sorodi (2024)
Conference Papers

Research interests

  • Ion beam Analysis- Thin films- Nuclear matter


  • ٍالهام چگني
    Name: Chegeni Elham
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Physics
    Thesis: Identification of Heavy Metals and Sources of Air Pollution in Arak City Using Ionic Beam Analysis (IBA)chniques
  • ميترا فلاح زاده
    Name: Fallahzadeh Mitra
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Physics
    Thesis: Study of surface properties of copper oxide thin films by gaseous ion implantation
  • فاطمه عظيمي
    Name: Azimi Fatemeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Physics
    Thesis: Study of surface properties of zinc oxide thin films by gaseous ion implantation
  • ژيلا زيوري شايسته
    Name: Zivari-Shayesteh Jilla
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Phyics
    Thesis: Application of dual ion energy transmission imaging in biological samples
  • مهدي احمدي
    Name: Ahmadi Mehdi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Physics
    Thesis: Image reconstruction using iterative algorithm in single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
  • محبوبه پيريائي
    Name: Piryaei Mahbobeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Physics
    Thesis: Determination of thickness and type of cadmium selenide semiconductor nanoparticles by Rutherford backscattering and atomic force microscopy
  • مژگان محمدي
    Name: Mohammadi Mojgan
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Physics
    Thesis: Effect of voids and cavities on materials using stereo-PIXE
  • سارا شكوري
    Name: Shakouri Sarah
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Physics
    Thesis: Effect of curvature surfaces on PIXE analysis

Scientific Societies Membership


Image Gallery

بازديد از سازمان انرژِي اتمي ايران آزمايشگاه واندوگراف، سازمان انرژِي اتمي ايران سيزدهمين كنفرانس ميكروباريكه و كاربردهاي آن نهمين نشست كاربران چشمه نور ايران كارگاه پيشرفته تصويربرداري و مشخصه يابي با باريكه يوني موئسسه ژوزف استفان، لوبليانا دانشكده علوم پايه، دانشگاه ملاير كارگاه مشترك ICTP-IAEA در خصوص شناسائي و تصويربرداي پيشرفته 2D و 3D با باريكه هاي يوني بازديد از آزمايشگاه دانشكده فيزيك دانشگاه تهران