2025 : 3 : 13
Eisa Solgi
Academic rank:
Natural Resources and Enviroments
e.solgi [at] yahoo.com
Research activities
PhD. in
(2008 - 2012)
Thesis title:
MSc. in
(2006 - 2008)
Thesis title:
Research activities
Journal Papers
Immobilization of potentially toxic elements by grape waste biochar in contaminated soils
Fouzieh Beigmohammadi, Eisa Solgi, Ali Asghar Besalatpour, Mohsen Soleimani (2024)
Effect of non-engineered municipal solid waste landfills located in the Zagros forest on heavy metals pollution in forest soils and leaf of Brant’s oak (Quercus brantii)
Eisa Solgi (2023)
Sources and Spatial Distribution of Potentially Toxic Trace Elements in Urban Park Soils from Kermanshah City of Iran
Eisa Solgi (2022)
Arsenic and heavy metal concentrations in human hair from urban areas
Eisa Solgi (2022)
Investigating the performance of dust detection indices using MODIS data and products (Case study: Khuzestan province of Iran)
Eisa Solgi (2022)
Temporal and spatial distribution mapping of particulate matter in southwest of Iran using remote sensing, GIS, and statistical techniques
Eisa Solgi (2022)
Modeling terrestrial net ecosystem exchange using machine learning techniques based on flux tower measurements
Eisa Solgi (2022)
Assessment of Tolerance of Some Tree Species to Air Contamination Using Air Pollution Tolerance and Anticipated Performance Indices in Isfahan City, Iran
Samar Mortazavi, Eisa Solgi (2021)
Zoning and human health risk assessment of arsenic and nitrate contamination in groundwater of agricultural areas of the twenty two village with geostatistics (Case study: Chahardoli Plain of Qorveh, Kurdistan Province, Iran)
Eisa Solgi (2021)
Impact of air quality on students’ behavior in the Educational Centers
Eisa Solgi (2021)
مقایسه فلزات سنگین ، مس ، آهن ، منیزیم ، نیکل و روی بین عضله و آبشش چهار گونه ماهی کفزی جزیره شیف (ایران)
Eisa Solgi (2021)
بررسی جذب و انباشت فلزات سنگین و ذرات معلق از هوای محیط توسط برخی گونه های درختی در کلانشهر اصفهان، ایران
Samar Mortazavi, Eisa Solgi (2021)
Assessing the Uptake and Accumulation of Heavy Metals and Particulate Matter from Ambient Air by Some Tree Species in Isfahan Metropolis, Iran
Samar Mortazavi, Eisa Solgi (2021)
مقایسه روشهای پیشرفته اکسیداسیون Fenton ، UV / Fenton و O 3 / Fenton در تصفیه فاضلاب شهری
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Comparison of the Effect of Traditional and Industrial Drying Methods in Raisins Production On Heavy Metals Concentrations
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Mapping and risk assessment of heavy metals in agricultural soils of the Siakh Darengoun Region, Shiraz, Iran
Eisa Solgi, Kamran Shayesteh, Samar Mortazavi (2020)
Investigation of artificial intelligence approaches (ANN-MLP, CAFIS) for the daily prediction of winter air pollutants (CO2, SO2, NOx, O3) in Hamedan city using meteorological data
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Biosorption of Chromium and Nickel from Aqueous Solution by Chicken Feather
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Feathers of Three Waterfowl Bird Species from Northern Iran for Heavy Metals Biomonitoring
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Effects of fireworks ancient celebrations on atmospheric concentration of particulate matter in Iran
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Interspecific differences in toxicological response and subcellular partitioning of cadmium and lead in three earthworm species
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Subcellular partitioning of cadmium and lead in Eisenia fetida and their effects to sperm count, morphology and apoptosis
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Biomonitoring of airborne Cu, Pb, and Zn in an urban area employing a broad leaved and a conifer tree species
Eisa Solgi (2020)
Investigation of the Concentration of Metals in Two Economically Important Fish Species from the Caspian Sea and Assessment of Potential Risk to Human Health
Eisa Solgi (2019)
Scenario-based discrimination of common grapevine varieties using in-field hyperspectral data in the western of Iran
Eisa Solgi, Rouhollah Karimi (2019)
Accumulation and Human Health Risk of Heavy Metals in Cultured Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Form Different Fish Farms of Eight Cities of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran
Eisa Solgi (2019)
Size distribution and chemical composition of indoor and outdoor particles in lab building
Eisa Solgi (2019)
cological and health risks of soil and grape heavy metals in long-term fertilized vineyards (Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province of Iran)
Eisa Solgi, Rouhollah Karimi (2019)
Assessing the health of marine and lacustrine wetland using measurement of heavy metals in fish species: Case study from two Iranian international wetland (Gomishan and Zarivar)
Eisa Solgi (2018)
Food Risk of some heavy metals for adults and children via consumption of fish species: Euryglossa orientalis, Argyrops spinifer and Sillago sihama
Eisa Solgi (2018)
Assessment of air pollution in exercise centers and health risks
Eisa Solgi (2018)
Recognition of the Source and Nature of Atmospheric Aerosols in Tehran, Iran
Eisa Solgi (2018)
Characterization and morphological analysis of aerosols in Tehran traffic zone
Eisa Solgi (2018)
Role of irrigation water, inorganic and organic fertilizers in soil and crop contamination by potentially hazardous elements in intensive farming systems: Case study from Moghan agro-industry, Iran
Eisa Solgi (2018)
Spatial patterns, hotspot, and risk assessment of heavy metals in different land uses of urban soils (case study: Malayer city)
Eisa Solgi (2018)
Assessment of impacts of land use changes on surface water using L-THIA model (case study: Zayandehrud river basin)
Eisa Solgi (2017)
Threat of Copper, Zinc, Lead, and Cadmium in Alfalfa (Medicago scutellata) as Livestock Forage and Medicinal Plant
Eisa Solgi (2017)
Characterizing Changes of Heavy Metals in the Soils from Different Urban Location of Borujerd, Lorestan Province, Iran
Eisa Solgi (2017)
Impact of Heavy Metal Stress on In Vitro Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Indices of Two Turfgrass species
Eisa Solgi (2017)
A comparative study of metals in roadside soils and urban parks fromHamedan metropolis, Iran
Eisa Solgi (2016)
Concentrations of Heavy Metals in tissues of the Mallard Anas platyrhynchos in Kanibarazan, northwestern Iran
Eisa Solgi (2016)
Assessment of Lead Contamination in Soils of Urban Parks of Khorramabad, Iran
Eisa Solgi (2016)
Cadmium and Lead Disruption in Soils Around the Hegmatan Cement Factory, Iran
Eisa Solgi (2016)
Contamination of Two Heavy Metals in Topsoils of the Urban Parks Asadabad, Iran 2013
Eisa Solgi (2016)
Spatial variability of heavy metal concentrations in vineyard soils on Malayer Plains (Iran)
Eisa Solgi (2016)
An Investigation on Cd and Pb Concentrations of Soils around the Kurdistan Cement Factory in Western Iran
Eisa Solgi (2015)
Analysis and assessment of nickel and chromium pollution in soils around Baghejar Chromite Mine of Sabzevar Ophiolite Belt, Northeastern Iran
Eisa Solgi (2015)
Application of Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Records for Retrospective Assessment of Mercury
Eisa Solgi (2015)
Assessment of Copper and Zinc Contamination in Soils of Industrial Estates of Arak Region (Iran)
Eisa Solgi (2015)
Spatial Distribution of Mercury in the Surface Soils of the Urban Areas, Arak, Iran
Eisa Solgi (2014)
Dietary Intake and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals Consumption of Anas strepera and Anas crecca in Southeastern Caspian Sea
Eisa Solgi (2014)
Conference Papers
Evaluation of heavy metals and antioxidative enzymes activity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from Bojaq Wetland (Kiashahr, Gilan)
Eisa Solgi, Abbas Zamani (2023)
Eisa Solgi (2022)
Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology
Eisa Solgi (2021)