2025 : 3 : 7
saeed khalaji

saeed khalaji

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: agriculture
Phone: 08132355425


High phosphorus cow skin gelatin as an organic phosphorus and calcium source in broiler ration
Phosphorus, gelatin, performance, tibia growth.
Researchers saeed khalaji ، Milad Manafi


Objective: .An experiment was conducted to evaluation of the effect of high phosphorus (phosphorus=8.41 and calcium=21.8 )cow skin gelatin (PSG) as an organic phosphorus and calcium source in broiler ration. Materials and Methods: A total of 128 male ross 308 day old broiler chicks were assigned into the 4 treatments of 4 replicate in a completely randomize and reared until the 21 days of age. Treatment included a control corn-soy diet with di-calcium phosphate as calcium and phosphorus a source which is replaced by 30, 70 and 100 percent of cow skin gelatin.Body weight and feed intake were measured weekly and feed conversion ratio was calculated.The length of tibia and plasma calcium and phosphorus were measured at 14 days of age. On the14 days of age one chicks from each pen were slaughtered and the relative weight of bursa of fabriciusand the relative length of duodenum, jejunum and ileum were measured. Results and Conclusion: Results of the current study revealed that the substitution of di-calcium phosphate with 30% PSG cow skin gelatin reduced FI significantly (P≤0.01) but increased FI when di-calcium phosphate substitute with 70 and 100% PSG. Also a reduction in FI was absorbed with 30 and 70% PSG at 21days of age. Replacement of DCP with PSG increased FCR significantly (P≤0.01) at 7 days of age. BW did not affected with PSG during the experimental period. Tibia length did not changed by substitution of DCP with PSG. Except for ileum length which is reduced other organsshowed no differences by inclusion of PSG. From the results of the current study achieved that PSG could be a valuable phosphorus and calcium source in broiler diet and replacement of DCP with this kind of organic phosphorus sources is feasible.