مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Flood prioritization based on ...
عنوان Flood prioritization based on fuzzy best worse multi-criteria decision-making method
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Best worse method · Flood · Fuzzy · Prioritization
چکیده lood is one of the major problems in the Sad Ekbatan Watershed, northern Hamadan province, Iran. This problem imposes severe damage related to economic issues. Therefore, prioritizing the study area based on the flooding degree can be considered for identifying hotspot flooded areas for performing soil and water conservation practices. In this study, to prioritize sub-watersheds from the viewpoint of flooding degree, five flood-related criteria were considered: entropy of drainage network (EN), index of connectivity (IC), Stream Power Index (SPI), curvature (C), and curve number (CN). Then, the fuzzy-based best worse multi-criteria decision-making (F-BWM) method was used to assign weights to these criteria and their combination to determine the flooding degree for each sub-watershed. The prioritization of sub-watersheds indicated that the sub-watersheds #14 and #21 are the most and least susceptible areas to flooding, respectively.
پژوهشگران علیرضا ایلدرمی (نفر دوم)