مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Exploring the nature and ...
عنوان Exploring the nature and meaning of theory in the field of neuroeducation studies
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Neuroeducation Studies, Neuroeducational Theory, Theory Building
چکیده Defining the nature and meaning of theory and theory building is one of the most trajectories in progress of any discipline that perceives itself as a scientific field of study. While the field of neuroeducation as an academic discipline is at an early stage of development, its theoretical foundation has been borrowed from other disciplines (e.g., psychology and cognitive science). Hence, a great deal of efforts and resources need to be dedicated to systematically define the nature and scope of theory and theorizing in the field. The present paper is a beginning attempt in this regard to provide a space from which to think about neuroeducational theory and invoke more investigation in this area. This ambition is highly warranted since the field of neuroeducation has provided some new insights for educators to better understand learning process with implications for how to make more effective curriculum and teaching. Accordingly, theory in neuroeducation could be defined as a logically organized body of interrelated concepts, principles and propositions that present a systematic view on the nature of human learning to provide new avenues of dealing with educational problems. Based on this definition, a neuroeducational theory can serve several functions. These include description, explanation, interpretation, prediction, and prescription. Related to these functions, a neuroeducational theory needs to have several important characteristics to guide research activities and practical policies. These aspect are interwoven and neither one of them perfectly dominates the others. Whereas theory in neuroeducation can and should be directed by the scientific bases of human learning and development, it should be originated from a value base toward a desirable society in the context of an ideology. Therefore, there would be multiple theories varying in terms of different philosophical assumptions and practical solutions. Moreover, neuroeducation theory need to be judged based on
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