مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Emancipatory Pedagogy in ...
عنوان Emancipatory Pedagogy in Practice: Aims, Principles and Curriculum orientation
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Emancipatory Pedagogy, Critical Pedagogy, Educational Practice.
چکیده Abstract T his study was conducted to develop a practical framework for applying the theory of emancipatory or liberatory pedagogy in educational policy and practice. For this purpose, the relevant literature was reviewed and a practical framework developed to introduce the potential contribution of emancipatory pedagogy for educational practice. According to the review of the related literature, emancipatory pedagogy is an innovative approach to education that theoretically is represented in the works of Paulo Freire, Ira Shore, Henry Giroux and Peter McLaren and there are some valid evidences endorsing its practicable potentiality. Emancipatory pedagogy is founded on the notion that education should play a fundamental role in creating a just and democratic society. The main educational aims of this approach are manifestation of humanization , critical conscientization, and a problem-posing education system. Emancipatory pedagogy accordingly seeks to invite both students and teachers to critically analyze the political and social issues as well as the consequences of social inequity. This requires a negotiated curriculum based on true dialogue that value social interaction, collaboration, authentic democracy, and self-actualization. It is concluded that, an active international effort should be made to introduce and diffuse the promising messages of emancipatory perspective and its fundamental role in making positive social and political reforms.
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