2025 : 3 : 9
Mahmoud Moradi
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Technical Engineering
moradi.malayeru [at] gmail.com
Research activities
Research interests
Executive activities
BSc. in Manufacturing Engineering , Tabriz University , Iran
(2002 - 2006)
Thesis title:
MSc. in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing , K.N.Toosi University of Technology , Iran
(2006 - 2008)
Thesis title:
PhD. in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing , K.N.Toosi University of Technology , Iran
(2008 - 2013)
Thesis title:
Research activities
Journal Papers
The relation between magnesium evaporation and laser absorption and weld penetration in pulsed laser welding of aluminum alloys: Experimental and numerical investigations
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Additive manufacturing of stellite 6 superalloy by direct laser metal deposition – Part 2: Effects of scanning pattern and laser power reduction in differrent layers
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Investigating the Effect of High Power Diode Laser (HPDL) Surface Treatment on the Corrosion Behavior of 17-4 PH Martensitic Stainless Steel
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Simulation, statistical modeling, and optimization of CO2 laser cutting process of polycarbonate sheets
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Additive Manufacturing of Stellite 6 Superalloy by Direct Laser Metal Deposition – Part 1: Effects of Laser Power and Focal Plane Position
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Sintering Process of Cu–28Zn Brass Alloy: Statistical Investigation
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Multi-objective topology optimization of deep drawing dissimilar tailor laser welded blanks; experimental and finite element investigation
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Statistical Analysis and Optimization of the Yield Strength and Hardness of Surface Composite Al7075/Al2O3 Produced by FSP via RSM and Desirability Approach
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Multi- response Optimization of the Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Al 7075- T6 Deposition Process on Al 2024- T351 by Friction Surfacing Using RSM and the Desirability Approach
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Laser assisted joining of St12 to polycarbonate: Experimental study and numerical simulation
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Post-Processing of FDM 3D-Printed Polylactic Acid Parts by Laser Beam Cutting
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
A novel path strategy design for precise 2D and 3D laser tube forming process; experimental and numerical investigation
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
The Synergic Effects of FDM 3D Printing Parameters on Mechanical Behaviors of Bronze Poly Lactic Acid Composites
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
How the laser beam energy distribution effect on laser surface transformation hardening process; Diode and Nd:YAG lasers
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
Multi-objective optimization of high power diode laser surface hardening process of AISI 410 by means of RSM and desirability approach
Mahmoud Moradi (2020)
A new statistical pattern recognition method and a new sequence hybrid method of intelligent systems
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
Experimental and Numerical Study of AISI 4130 Steel Surface Hardening by Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
An experimental investigation of the effects of diode laser surface hardening of AISI 410 stainless steel and comparison with furnace hardening heat treatment
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
Nd:YAG laser hardening of AISI 410 stainless steel: Microstructural evaluation, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior
Mahmoud Moradi, Mahdi Kazazi (2019)
Enhancement of Surface Hardness and Metallurgical Properties of AISI 410 by Laser Hardening Process; Diode and Nd:YAG Lasers
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
Effect of Overage Hardening Heat Treatment on the Micro Structure and Hardness of Nickel-based Super Alloy Rene-80
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
Nd:YAG Laser Welding of Ti 6-Al-4V: Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
Nd:YAG laser surface hardening of AISI 431 stainless steel; mechanical and metallurgical investigation
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
Experimental and parametric evaluation of cut quality characteristics in CO2laser cutting of polystyrene
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
3D Printed Parts with Honeycomb Internal Pattern by Fused Deposition Modelling; Experimental Characterization and Production Optimization
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
A comparative study of laser surface hardening of AISI 410 and 420 martensitic stainless steels by using diode laser
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
High Power Diode Laser Surface Hardening of AISI 4130; Statistical Modelling and Optimization
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
Improved Laser Surface Hardening of AISI 4130 Low Alloy Steel with Electrophoretically Deposited Carbon Coating
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
Multi-response Optimization of CO2 Laser Welding of Rene 80 Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and the Desirability Approach
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
Statistical Modelling and Optimization of the Laser Percussion Microdrilling of Thin Sheet Stainless Steel
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
Effect of Linear Heat Input on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Welded Using a CO2 Laser
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
Experimental Study of Surface Hardening of AISI 420 Martensitic Stainless Steel Using High Power Diode Laser
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
Numerical Analysis of Laser-assisted Ti to Polyimide Welding Using a Statistical Approach
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
An Experimental Investigation on Comparison of the Similar and Dissimilar Resistance Spot Welding of St12 and Galvanized Steel using Design of Experiments
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
Process and Outcome Comparison Between Laser, Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) and Laser-TIG Hybrid Welding
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
Statistical Modelling and Optimization of Laser Percussion Microdrilling of Inconel 718 Sheet Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
An investigation on capability of hybrid Nd:YAG laser-TIG welding technology for AA2198 Al-Li alloy
Mahmoud Moradi (2017)
Investigation and Optimization of EDM Milling and its Comparison with Die Sink EDM
Mahmoud Moradi (2017)
Enhancement of low power CO2 laser cutting process for injection molded polycarbonate
Mahmoud Moradi (2017)
Investigation on the effects of process parameters on laser percussion drilling using finite element methodology; statistical modelling and optimization
Mahmoud Moradi (2017)
An experimental investigation of the effects of fiber laser percussion drilling: Influence of process parameters
Mahmoud Moradi (2016)
Numerical and Experimental Study of Geometrical Dimensions on Laser-TIG Hybrid Welding of Stainless Steel1.4418
Mahmoud Moradi (2016)
Hole Geometry Features Analysis in Fiber Laser Percussion Drilling Process
Mahmoud Moradi (2015)
Statistical Analysis and Optimization of Factors Affecting the Surface Roughness in the UVaSPIF Process Using Response Surface Methodology
Mahmoud Moradi (2015)
Experimental and numerical comparison of equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) with planar twist channel angular (extrusion (PTCAE
Mahmoud Moradi (2014)
Parameter dependencies in laser hybrid arc welding by design of experiments and by a mass balance
Mahmoud Moradi (2014)
Investigation and optimization of properties of sintered iron/recycled grey cast iron powder metallurgy parts
Mahmoud Moradi (2014)
Investigation of green properties of iron/jet-milled grey cast iron compacts by response surface method
Mahmoud Moradi (2014)
Conference Papers
The influence of the Fiber and Nd:YAG Laser beam on the laser surface treatment 316L stainless steel
Mahmoud Moradi (2019)
A review on the implementation of Polymer Nanocomposites (PNC) in the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Technology
Mahmoud Moradi (2018)
Effect of the focal plane position on CO2 laser beam cutting of injection molded polycarbonate sheets
Mahmoud Moradi (2016)
3rd International Conference Recent treads in Engineering and Technology (ICRET’2015)
Mahmoud Moradi (2015)
Research interests
Additive Manufacturing
Laser Materials Processing
Executive activities
Deputy Dean of Faculty of Engineering
(1397 - 1399)
Head of Mechanical Eng.
(1396 - 1397)