2025 : 3 : 11
Vahed Ghiasi

Vahed Ghiasi

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Civil Engineering and Architecture
Address: Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil and Architecture Engineering Malayer University - Iran
Phone: 09186363702


  • PhD. in Ph. D Civil Engineering,Geotechnical Engineering , Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) , Malaysia (2007 - 2012)
    Thesis title: Effects of weak rock geomechanical properties on tunnel stability


Research activities

Journal Papers
Compressive strength of geopolymer brick samples based on sand-washing waste with different particle sizes Vahed Ghiasi, Yaser Marabi, Ahmad Fahmi, Hadi Rezghi Maleki, Hamed Rahimpour (2025)
Conference Papers

Research interests

  • Numerical Modeling
  • Rock Mechanices
  • Soil Improvement, Soil Stabilization
  • Slope Stability
  • Soil Mechanices
  • Foundation Engineering
  • Tunnel Engineering


  • مجيد فولادي
    Name: Foladi Majid
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Civil Engineering- Geotechnices
    Thesis: Investigation of displacement of the building adjacent to the excavation and its control with diaphragm wall
  • مهدي كوشكي
    Name: Kushki Mehdi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering
    Thesis: Investigation of optimum distance in twin tunnel and its effect on tunnel soil
  • ميثم حاج صفري
    Name: Hajsafari Meysam
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering
    Thesis: Compare the axial bearing capacity piles cylindrical, tapered and semi-tapered in the sand by numerical method
  • احسان سابوته
    Name: Saboteh Ehsan
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering
    Thesis: Numerical Analysis of the Response of the Pile Group in Heterogeneous Soils Containing a Liquified Layer under Seismic Loading
  • مبين مرادي
    Name: Moradi Mobin
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering
    Thesis: Numerical Investigation of Deformation on Piled Raft Foundation Systems
  • امين فرزان
    Name: Farzan Amin
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Geotechnical Engineering
    Thesis: Investigating the behavior of the Geosynthetic reinforced soil walls in Different conditions
  • فرزاد حيدري
    Name: Heydari Farzad
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Civil Engineering
    Thesis: Evaluation of Behaviors of Lurestan Rudbar earth and Rockfill using Monitoring and back analysis
  • اسماعيل موسي پور
    Name: Mosapour Esmail
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Civil Engineering
    Thesis: Resistance of Voided Flat Slab Buildings against Progressive Collapse
  • پيمان پوركرامت
    Name: Porkeramat Peyman
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Civil Engineering
    Thesis: Evaluating the performance of steel structures subjected to post earthquake fire considering different ground motion intensity levels

Executive activities

  • Deputy of Head of Department(HOD) Civil Engineering, Malayer University (1391 - 1391)
  • Head of Department(HOD) Civil Engineering, Malayer University (1391 - 1395)
  • Dean of Nahavand Technical and Vocational College (1395 - 1399)
  • President of Nahavand University (1399 - 1400)